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[SoNE Freebuild] Patrolling on Tatooine

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Aside from patrolling the Tatooine dunes, Merc was assigned as local security for the Mos Eisley spaceport in search of a suspicious Rodian.

Merc: Looks like we're here. Last part of our patrol route, Mos Eisley.

Trooper: Worst part of Tatooine too.

Merc: You heard stories about this place?

Trooper: Plenty. Not too long ago there was something about two guys in a bar who picked a fight with some scrawny farm boy. You think they'd have no problem right? But then the kids old man showed up and chopped off one of the guys' arm.

Merc: Heh, guess its true what they say. You won't find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than in Mos Eisley.

Sergeant: Hey, you two! Quit standing around. Get back to searching for that Rodian.

Trooper & Merc: Yes sir!


Merc: Hey there's one over by that street vendor. Think it could be him?

Trooper: Blasted, they all look the same to me.

Merc: Come on, lets check it out.



Hey guys, back with a small free-build. I initially had a larger set-up prepared but due to a lack of tan pieces I made it a vignette instead. Also the back beams are not my design.

Please judge this build.

Edited by Merc4Hire

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Thanks guys :classic: Glad you guys like it.

Update: I updated the shots and story/entry. The lighting is not ideal but it was the best my camera and editing skills could do with the tan color.

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Great little build! And I love the arm color change on Greedo's jacket.

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Great little build! And I love the arm color change on Greedo's jacket.

Thanks man! I appreciate it :classic:

Judges have awarded you 3 XP!

Thanks judges!

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Small and sweet! This feels like a slice of a much larger scene and I could see this placed in a Tatooine diorama and fit in quite smoothly.  

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