
Eurobricks Vassals
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About Erikur

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    Svea Rike

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  1. Erikur

    AG - Introduction and Discussion

    Ray Gunn signing up as special forces commander in the Planetary Defence Squad of the Kawashita Group, protecting Kawashita from alien raids and hostile flora and fauna. 100x100 picture:
  2. Me and my brother (Sigolf Brimabane) always build together... Can we participate in that freebuild challenge with MOCs built by the two of us? Or do we have to make a build each for all of the phases etc.?
  3. Due to some exams I have unfortunately had little time for building the past weeks, but I've finally finished my updated Sigfig bio. I'm assuming, by looking att the map, that there is some form of Wetlands at the eastern edge of the Winterlakes as we are planning to build in a town there! the clan heraldry of the Wyrm Clan: Sigfig: Arngrim Sigmundason Chieftain of the Wyrm Clan And the updated bio: Arngrím Sigmundarson of the Wyrm Clan. The eldest son of the renown chieftain Sigmund. He wields the blade Lævatein Flamedrinker (+5 artifact sword of course), wrested from a mighty draugr lord in a barrow near the domains of Nocturnus. The sword was once wielded by the founder of the Wyrm Clan when he slew a gigantic primordial Wyrm. The sword was thus passed down from father to son for many an ageuntil it was stolen by a powerful undead, a draugr lord of Nocturnus. The Wyrm Clan sought the sword for generations before the quest was bestowed upon Arngrímr who finally tracked down the sword and defeated the draugr, sealing it by its grave forever. In the war against Revolword the Wyrm Clan's troops lead by Arngrim and Sigolf first joined up with lord Glorfindel, but when word reached of their fathers demise at the hands of one of Revolword's elementals they returned to Mitgardia. Seeing the destruction wrought upon their homeland, grieving their fathers death Arngrim, now chieftain of the Wyrm Clan, and his brother Sigolf vowed to eradicate the Hand of Corruption from the face of Historica. In their quest for vengeance they fought many a hard battle routing the forces of corruption. Towards the end of the war the Wyrm Clan laid siege upon Winterlake castle the stronghold of a corrupt noble who had allied himself with the hand in pursuit of wealth and power. Despite their numerical disadvantage the Wyrm Clan were victorious, slaying the noble and most of the forces of the hand. After the battle at the castle the Wyrm Clan set up camp close to Kaupang, a town at the eastern edge of Winterlake moor, whose people had suffered greatly under their now deceased lord. Seeing their plight Arngrim and Sigolf decided to leave the majority of their forces at Kaupang to help rebuild it and to use the town as base for hunting the remnants of the hand close to the Nocturnian border.
  4. EDIT: FIRSTLY: Sigolf Brimabane made this, haha, my brother Erikur was apparently logged in, and I thought it was my account that was logged in... Well well :/ So, I decided to make an addition to the King's Castle that I got yesterday, and realised that most parts were already used... So I used LDD instead :) Here is a blacksmith shop, inspired by the 6040 Blacksmith Shop from 1984 :) Parts: 146
  5. "internal struggles have brought each realm to the brink of civil war" clearly... though I guess no real sides exist within Mitgardia yet, except the unity side I suppose... In which case the book title will be very misleading at least when it comes to Mitgardia.
  6. Now this seems interesting! Will update my bio and sigfig portrait to post later... now will the Wyrm Clan weather the storm protecting their sacred lands or participate in the conflict to reshape Mitgardia...
  7. Erikur

    Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion

    Wow awesome Dwarf stronghold there!
  8. as I suspected I'm a dwarf...
  9. Erikur

    [MOC] Clash at the Castle of Winterlake Moor

    Thanks! @SkaForHire And that we won't, take it the wrong way that is! I guess it is because we joined GoH that we could improve at this rate or someting XD
  10. Erikur

    [MOC] Clash at the Castle of Winterlake Moor

    Here are some more pics of the interior of the castle:
  11. Erikur

    Challenge VI: Historica United

    Wow, awesome entry, I really like that throne room, and I do like the suggestion for where the story should be heading as it would work well with the story intended for the moc we're constructing!
  12. Erikur

    Mitgardia Guild: Homepage, Sign-up and Discussion

    Great MOCs Everyone! A veritable flood indeed. Shame we couldn't add a moc of our own, it will probably take a couple of weeks to finish the one we are working on...
  13. Erikur

    The Siege of Wyrm Fortress

    @Kibosh The fortress itself was posted in a different thread a while back here's the link @ Damaximus, Gideon yeah gonna fix better presentation to the next MOC
  14. Erikur

    The Siege of Wyrm Fortress

    Thanks ^^ took the oppotunity to make a siege scene before we disassemble it for parts. Just got ahold of the haunted house so we will have plenty of parts for the next MOC XD
  15. While Arngrim and Sigolf fight the forces of Revolword in the south the Hand of corruption assaults the fortress aided by an elemental spirit of earth and shadow conjured by vile Revolword. Without Arngrim or Sigolf there to fight it the elemental wrecks havoc on the defenders, slaying many a brave warrior while they try to stop its advance. Despite losing his arm Sigmund chief of the Wyrm Clan battles the elmental, cutting its head off with one mighty strike of his sword. But alas victory was shortlived, despite defeating the monstrosity Sigmund falls mortally wounded by the elemental. Without the elemental the tide of battle turned and the forces of corruption were driven back albeit at very high cost... The Elemental of earth and shadow