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Eurobricks IRC Chat

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I think it would be a valuable addition to the site to have an IRC channel. If you don't know, IRC is a chatroom that can be put on websites. One such example is #lego over at CSF. Any thoughts on this?


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We did once have something like it.. But it got spammed, and it where cut from EB *sweet*

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We did once have something like it.. But it got spammed, and it where cut from EB *sweet*

But IRC is different. There are three groups:

Ops (@ next to name)= Admins

Voices (+ next to name)= Mods

And regular members don't have anything next to their name. Voices can Kick, while Ops can kick + Ban.


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Personnaly i think it would be a waste of time and effort. Like TT pointed out the chat just didnt work and i doubt a irc would either.

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Well most of us dont have time to keep an eye out for it, and a chatroom on a website that are visited by kids are not a good idea.... we dont wanna get the wrong people here...

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Isn't it simpler to chat via an Instant Messenger? These days the latest versions of most messengers support group discussions (or conferences) so you're not limited to a one on one conversation.

But in the case of Lego2000, he couldn't add me to his MSN List and I couldn't add him to mine so the moral to the story is don't use MSN Messenger on a Mac! :biggrin:

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MisterPhes uses a mac X-O !?!?!


Jipay: Oh, ok.

A chat would be nice, but the reasons here are good enough for me to not have one.

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Isn't it simpler to chat via an Instant Messenger? These days the latest versions of most messengers support group discussions (or conferences) so you're not limited to a one on one conversation.

But in the case of Lego2000, he couldn't add me to his MSN List and I couldn't add him to mine so the moral to the story is don't use MSN Messenger on a Mac! :biggrin:

I suppose so, but it's easier to group chat in an actual chat. That being said, I think with this fanbase IRC chats might not be such a good idea, for the reasons already stated.

Also, everyone needs to get gtalk :-P

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MisterPhes uses a mac X-O !?!?! (More on this later, when I edit this post...)

He wasn't refering to himself as the mac user.

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As I mentioned to lego 2000, I don't think it would work because forums allows things that chats can't bring. For instance, you can read all the messages, any time, and you can be offline at an important moment and still get the news when you connect.

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MisterPhes uses a mac X-O !?!?!

No, I was referring to Lego2000

I suppose so, but it's easier to group chat in an actual chat.

Is it really that much easier? The with latest version of these Messenger programs allows you to pretty much create a private chatroom with their group discussion/conference feature. The only notable difference is you've got to be invited to join the conversation whereas a traditional chat room anyone can enter. But as mentioned there wouldn't be enough Eurobrick users to sustain a chat room in that sense.

But if anyone is that desperate for chatroom they could create on using a IRC client.

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