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The rays of the setting sun were staining thickets and dirt in crimson tones. Clouds of insects were swarming over the stinking mud. Bushes began to move and into the open area one after the other jumped out two small raptors. Both are not more than a meter in height, on strong legs, with long serpentine necks and powerful tails. Dinosaur that was bigger stood motionless, noisily drawing in the air. The pupils of his large yellow eyes were turning wide and narrow.

The second began to shift from one foot to the other twitching his head, his tail furiously thrashed from side to side. It's been three days there was nothing to satisfy his hunger and growing interior dull pain became insufferable. Particular anger was caused by the fact that the leader easily took away a small animal hunted so hard this morning. Young reptile looked at the leader - he stood exposing his back to the last rays of the sun, eagerly absorbing their heat. For a moment the wave of rage overflowed the second dinosaur. He wanted to seize the leader's neck, bite it, and to tear the body by the claws to exhaustion, and then eat, eat, eat still warm flesh! With bowed head he moved against the old leader. Sharp eye and bared teeth cooled the beginning of the attack, the second freezed with outstretched neck and all the dissatisfactions were turned into hiss.


Sunset by vir-a-cocha, on Flickr

The leader stood still and only the quivering tip of the tail showed tension. He listened to the sounds from the bushes. This is somewhat of males and females with young - all pack - made their way through the bushes. The pack was emaciated. Recently there was not so much prey. Several marsupials caught the day before, took a lot of effort and did not have nutritional value. It was necessary to move forward and look for other places to hunt, and it means to jeopardize the pack. The leader looked at the reptile standing next to him - this young male wanted to take his place, and, sooner or later, he or the other of the pack will make it ... But today pack will get food! Old dinosaur had noticed the footprint left by a Tyrannosaurus in the mud. The giant was here just yesterday, a huge dent had not yet tightened, but only filled with water. A pack can go on the trail of a giant and soon come upon the remnants of his feast.

The leader snapped with the teeth to ward off mosquitoes, arched the neck and made a hissing, then quickly went into the bushes. The second dinosaur followed him. There was the sound of the retreating footsteps, and after a minute the silence relapsed. The sun was setting.

Notes of unknown paleontologist


Sunset by vir-a-cocha, on Flickr

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Very lovely dino vignette. The background you choose really makes the foliage and water pop out. Interesting use of the waterfall sheet. I'm really liking the raptors as well, which look like they have lots of articulation for their small size.

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