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MOC: The Lady Luck

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Sen. Palomar's boat is lovely for smuggling artifacts along the river. Mister Pit has a good eye for navigation and the cargo will fetch a good price for no-questions-asked collectors. McClucksy is good luck too, or a helpful distraction to anything chompy that gets on the boat...

Another Adventurer boat, again not a straight refurbished set but something in the spirit of the theme. I used the cruiser hull, not my favourite sort of thing to work with but the parts needed to perfectly brickbuild a hull weren't about for me to build with. The cargo crane spins and the winder moves the hook up and down.


Senor Ekaitz Palomar took over the family business from his brother after the elder took to smuggling things slightly more noticeably illegal than jewels and artifacts. He's a sharp dressed man with a taste for fine gemstones and rare artifacts.

I used a suit from the LEGO Movie theme for a dapper look, Lone Ranger Hat and gun to refresh the older elements of the original Senor Palomar and the Space Hero head, which always looked a little too smug for my tastes so it fits perfectly on this 'gentleman'. The sort of unexpected bad guy any adventurer might come across; a genial host who takes in the explorer to his fine estate so they might sleep under a roof of a night, then the adventurer finds themself shouting "IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM!!" At him as he sails away downriver with a craftily thieved artifact a number of days later.


Mister Pit is a thug for hire who happens to know a little about river navigation and steering a boat. There is plenty of gold out in that jungle and he's happy to take some off the boss's hands for a simple river trip.

Generic thug really. I made him as a back-up to any number of more talented villains. The schemer always needs someone who treads heavily and carries something smashy. And stabby in this case too.

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