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Fanweekend Presentation

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I'll be attending Pareds de Coura Fanweekend next week. And there I'll be giving a short presentation about the Guilds of Historica.

It would help if some of you guys could provide me with some information.

-First build and last build, or something similar, to show the progress you've made over the years/months you've been building for the Guilds

-Why are you a contributing member, what made you join and what are the largest appeals of the project.


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A pity I won't make it there this year! As for your questions:

1. First build to be posted here (I think I made 3 or 4 MOCs before this one):

(One of) my last build(s):

Grand Griffon - Corner

- I really love it! Community-building is just great fun :grin: 

- The "Guilds" aspect. Having other people around helps to improve my building skills. I consider myself to still be a noob, and getting comments from experienced builders can really help me out!

- The "Historica" aspect: it is so much cooler when you're builds aren't just MOCs, but part of a bigger story.

What made me join is DC's Guide to Building a Medieval Village. I stumbled upon it when searching for a way to create medieval-looking stairs in LEGO, and was really mind-blown. I think he mentioned the Guilds a few times there, in every case: I went on to explore this box of magic called "Eurobricks". 


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1. First and most recent builds for me. Or in picture form, 





2. I joined because I wanted a community to support my LEGO hobby. Last summer I had recently moved away from some friends with whom I had used to build, and I was away from my bricks that were packed in storage for a while, so I found the Guilds as a way to cope with the temporary sundering. I read through the stories, delved into the lore, and began to study and comment on the builds of others here. I fell in love with the idea of building a world collaboratively, in a fantasy setting, and it has taken off from there. I love building, I love storytelling, and the Guilds have allowed me to combine the two. And it is astonishing to see the improvement, not only in myself, but also in those who joined around the same time as I did. The most exciting thing for me, though, what appeals to me most, is telling my story, set against a larger backdrop, and illustrating it with the builds. It is not an either/or proposition for me; build and story are both important and essential, in my opinion. 

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My first build I posted on the guilds: 


And my two most recent:



Reasons for joining:

-It was a no brainier for me when I first saw it, I love the idea of being part of something 'bigger' then just one separate Moc and when I first read the lore and history I thought I was in heaven!

-You are never in need of inspiration as there is always a on going challenge or competition to build for as well as your own nation and story to add too.

-When I saw the feed back other builders where giving each other I knew it would be an amazing chance to improve my skills. I vividly remember the first build I posted here and was overwhelmed with feed back I still use :grin: Also its an amazing place to meet new people and make new friends in the Lego community :thumbup:    

-And of course other influential builders that mention the guilds. In particular Legonardo and DC.


Edited by The Maestro

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My first moc for Guilds of Historica:



and my favourite (not my last one) (ofc you can delete the logos if you wanna use it Ecc) :



Well medieval era is my favourite when it comes to mocing, so watching all the "party" of mocs which was happening from all the guilds at the time I joined, it was easy for me join the fun.

The community and the way its organized (guilds) is pretty interesting, and the task/challenges/story were easy to understand and be part of them without so much role playing into it, which discourages me personally because english isnt my mother language.

Over the years its also great to see yourself getting better through challenges like AoM and HSS which are pretty big to fully accomplish.

Last but not least, there are many great challenges running during all the year with nice trophies, tags or real LEGO. 



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My first GoH build:

Latest GoH build:

I joined GoH because I wanted to have a context to place my castle/fantasy builds in and to challenge me to try new builds and styles. The possibility to tell a story of a number of characters also had a great appeal on me, but over time I've not pursued that very much but rather simply allowed my sigfig to make appearances in many of my builds.
The greatest appeal to come back to GoH time and time again is of course the community! The challenges (especially having a deadline!) are also a great way to actually make me get down to building.

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First build in GoH:

More recent builds:



I joined the Guilds pretty near the start, as I was interested in Castle themed MOCing, and there was a huge group of people enthusiastic about the project, along with prizes, challenges, and more feedback on creations than you could find elsewhere. The before mentioned reasons all have kept me active in GoH, but especially the friendly community of builders are what make the Guilds so amazing :sweet:

It's the place to be for Castle MOCers, especially those looking to tell stories, improve their building skills and presentation, or just to have fun as part of a community.



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One of the builds used in my introduction to the Guilds:

Katoren Gatehouse


And one of my recent builds:

Qasr Albahr


I joined the Guilds because of all the feedback and suggestions that are given, as well as the great challenges and people here. Having the freedom to participate in contests and on-going challenges (like the University of Petraea, or the Age of Mitgardia challenge), or just build whatever you want is very enjoyable, and there is also a lot of freedom allowed in story writing for those who like to do so. To me personally at least, it's the best castle role building game that I've seen, with a fantastic community, plenty of inspiration for builds, and a great way to improve as a builder.

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My time here in GoH hasn't reached the year yet, being this one of my last:


and this the first I posted here:


I guess there isn't much of a difference, but you can probably see something if compared with my very first MOC, a little more than a year ago :blush: :


I built only a couple between my very first and the firat one for GoH, so I guess that counts?

As for the reasons, it was actually @soccerkid6 's suggestion ^^ I had met him and LJ over on ClassicCastle but wasn't satisfied with the activity and the ampount of feedback there, so he suggested to take a look here. Guess what? He was right :sweet:

More: the UoP project. Though it isn't quite in full swing anymore, I take that list of 'exams' as a guideline to try my hand at all the basic techniques that a proper builder should know.

More yet: the possibility of writing my own story, on a shared storyline-backgorund as well as the chance to intertwine it with the others' without restraints, as opposed to, for example, LoR, which doesn't allow the same freedom (and which I was actually about to join at the time of SK's suggestion).

This last point is very important for me. As many of you know, my life and job don't allow me a full commitment to building just yet. Here I have the chance of keeping on with my story and builds at my own rhythm without feeling pressure.


.. if you're going for a presentation, Ecc, I guess it's worth mentioning some of the old builders that were part of the community and that, correct me if I'm wrong, contributed to the development of the LEGO community at a higher level, bringing new techniques etc. about, even though they're not active anymore. DC has already been mentioned, but others like Legonardo and Cesbricks come up to mind immediately.

Edited by en_zoo

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First build for the guilds:


Latest build:


GoH was the first RPG I joined and I've stuck with it over the years mostly because of the strong community it has offered.  It's just a great place for LEGO builders - especially castle fans - to get together, build in a cohesive world but with their own styles, and give each other great feedback.  I joined in the first place mostly because I found the concept - four factions, continuing challenges, etc. - appealing.  In some respects I think the guilds have slowed down lately - at any rate, I've slowed down - but it still has a great open, laid-back feel that really allows builders to experiment in whatever direction they like!  Also, having been host over the years to some of the greatest LEGO castle builders out there, the guilds offer great inspiration for those who are just starting out!

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First build for the Guilds:


(Almost) my latest build:


My favorite big, all-out build:


On 2017-5-30 at 5:45 PM, Ecclesiastes said:

Why are you a contributing member, what made you join and what are the largest appeals of the project.

The greatest appeal for me: being able making a name for myself as a builder and as a character, in a world that we all share and acknowledge. That is also what moved me to join GoH, of course I was inspired by the hugely talented people who had already achieved just that. 

Good luck with the presentation! :thumbup:

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