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Minifigs/Sets where the older versions look better?

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So I was talking to some friends about minifigures or sets where the original or an older variant looks better than the new ones. For example we came up with the original Maul (The new mauls smile ruins it), the Spiderman 2 Spiderman fig, and the original Destroyer Droids. What do you guys think?

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This happens in Star Wars a bit:

* The 2012 Death Star Trooper looks nicer than the 2014 version (tunic as opposed to jump suit)

* The 2012 Sandtroopers look better than the 2014 version (proper leg/foot printing)

* The 2014 Darth Vader looks better than the 2015/16 version (my opinion - I like the classic helmet better)

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Sounds like this is turning into a SW themed thread after only two posts... but I'll bite.  One set, in particular, that really bothered me was the recent space shuttle set.

10231 - Shuttle Expedition (2011) vs. 60080 Spaceport (2015).

You could argue it's got two separate audiences, but seeing the set shows they are essentially the same idea.  The first set was more brick built, giving it a lot more pieces (more than twice as many); was much larger when built.  You could argue the 2011 version is UCS - and I wouldn't argue about it except that the smaller set, with less than half the pieces, actually cost MORE (20% more) and only 4 years later.

I also understand why Star Wars will be a big topic on this thread, with them re-releasing so many sets and figures.  I would suggest the 2011 Millennium Falcon is better than the 2015 version, although I have neither (I have the 2004 one) and it's just based on overall impressions of the images.

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The discussion shifted to starwars because it's the easiest way to compare sets, as so many remakes occurs 

For Starwars I'll go with the The 2007 MTT vs the 2014 one. Day and Night.

Castle... the whole 2013 wave vs the previous Kingdom theme?

I would also give Adventurers Desert and Jungle an edge over it's Orient Expedition counter part. Kind of gives me a nauxious vibe like Paradisa.

And dare I say Bionicle?

Edit: In response of Fred's concern on the falcon, the 2015 is overall the better model: the mandibles are worked better, the interior space is really nice and has a lot more greebling going on on the fuselage. The only annoying thing is the rectangular dish instead of the circular one if you're more of an OT fan. 



Edited by RetroInferno

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On January 4, 2017 at 0:41 PM, fred67 said:

Sounds like this is turning into a SW themed thread after only two posts... but I'll bite.  One set, in particular, that really bothered me was the recent space shuttle set.

10231 - Shuttle Expedition (2011) vs. 60080 Spaceport (2015).

You could argue it's got two separate audiences, but seeing the set shows they are essentially the same idea.  The first set was more brick built, giving it a lot more pieces (more than twice as many); was much larger when built.  You could argue the 2011 version is UCS - and I wouldn't argue about it except that the smaller set, with less than half the pieces, actually cost MORE (20% more) and only 4 years later.

Yeah that is a great example. I think 6339 Shuttle Launch Pad is also better than 60080 Spaceport for the same reason, more brick built parts despite fewer number of pieces and still a better looking set. 

To keep it diverse and not Star Wars exclusive another example would be the older train sets. A lot seem to prefer the 9V metal tracks, ability to buy more tracks and individual train cars and those trains have really stood the test of time. 

A lot of City is the opposite though especially vehicles. All the old 4-stud wide City vehicles look ridiculous next to their modern 6-wide counterparts. I have no desire to re-build any 4-wide vehicle. 

Minifigs, I used to prefer the old simple smile faces (like still found in the Modulars) but have grown to prefer the more detailed modern faces with a variety of expressions, details and gender distinction (don't care for the non-yellow heads in the licensed sets though). The modern female heads are infinitely better than the early female heads. Like this terrible head.

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I think the only reason they still use the old heads for the modulars is for some kind of company legacy . I find them really creepy with modern hair and civilian clothing, like some kind of animated evil mannequin. I still like them with retro looking 90's medieval gear but meh. 

Thanks for mentionning trains, they have yet achieved to surpass the emerald night express IMO,

And god that female mini-fig is loads of wrongs hahaha. 


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That fem fig hurts my soul looking at it. Yeah tbh the old heads dont fit well with the new hair pieces and highly detailed torsos. Just looks off. Gonna make a weird example. Imo the Cyber saucer is far better than the later UFO Abduction set but maybe thats just my bias towards the UFO line shining through lol. 


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