
[K-G10] Special Orders

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Location: G10 (Onix)

Tags: Spaceship


One of the pros of working for a big organization like Kawashita instead of freelancing is all the extra equipment.


Take these search drones. Only about six feet long, fully automated to search a star system for a given target. They are equipped with a small onboard reactor, making them capable of independent flight, but, as you might imagine, a hull so small does not permit including a Gate drive. Still, they remain much, much faster than manually scanning an entire star system from your own ship.


One of the cons of working for a big organization like Kawashita instead of freelancing is that, while a freelancer doesn't much care who he raids, so long as they're lightly armed and carry valuable cargo, Kawashita occasionally sends along orders to raid a specific vessel.


In this case, we're looking for a courier, which Fleet Intel assures us is bound out of the Onix system any day now. Thing is, Octan is getting jittery, what with our fleet hanging so close on their borders, and especially so in the Onix system. Any sight of an unfamiliar vessel and the courier would run straight back home, carrying its priceless cargo with it. So, we're hanging just past 30 AU, with drones (too small to read on radar or thermal imaging from the planet's surface) keeping watch for the target.


Guess Fleet Intel was right after all. For the moment, they're doing dead slow - probably they suspect some sort of ambush, and are trying to keep thermal emissions down. Too late for that. We're on their tail, between them and the Gate. Octan, here we come ...




Edited by VK-318

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Cool ship (and I fixed your title :wink: )

Oh, yeah, the title. :pir-tongue: That's what comes of staying up until 2 a.m. to get a build posted, I guess.

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