Here is my video on Hidden Side 70422 Shrimp Shack Attack:
The brick built shrimp sign is excellent.
The shack looks great too.
The kitchen is actually very detailed.
Excellent Minifigures.
The vehicle looks bad and not really needed.
I do like this set and I think the shrimp shack itself looks great and I'm surprised with level of details they put into the kitchen. Again, all hidden side sets come with excellent minifigures. I like the design of one of the action feature, it does look quite bloody depending on your imagination. The price of this set ain't that bad either. Now removing the mediocre vehicle may have give this set even a lower price tag. Overall, it's a good set but not the best hidden side set, however I will still recommend this to anyone that like Hidden Side or a haunted theme in general. Personally, the shack also ignite ideas on how different kitchen can be built.