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About yanickbayley

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  1. yanickbayley

    Olympus OM1

    It looks absolutely fantastic!!!! Great use of your spare time.
  2. So, I've tweeked my hub design for a greater penetration inside the rim, bringing the tire closer to the pivot point of a steered axle, thus reducing the stress on the steering motor. Using the older Unimog rims, the tire centre is still at 4.5 studs from the pivot point, but using the newer rims from the Land Rover set, that gets reduced to a distance of only 3 studs. Land rover rim and Unimog tire, 3 studs from pivot point to tire centre.
  3. I love the Fox 8x8. So much so that I set about to build it even before the LXF file was available. I was so focused on building it from the available pictures that I never noticed when the LXF was made available. I really could have saved myself quite a lot of problems and headaches. Once completed, the vehicle worked great in a straight line, but the tires of the two middle axles would catch on one another in the turns. Why? My hubs were just like ZeroBricks, and the distance between the wheel centres was the same. After closer examination of the vehicle and the pictures, I noticed that mine was noticeably wider then ZeroBricks', about 4 studs wider. The reason turned out to be that I had to add spacers between the hubs and the wheels; two studs worth of spacers. To get rid of the spacers, I would have to acquire those lime green wheels and tires. Quick check on Bricklink: $24 a wheel x8=nearly $200. Not happening!!!! And so began my quest for a narrower hub that could fit inside more common wheels, like those found on 8110 Unimog or 42054 Claas Xerion. Here is the result. On the left is how it is built for a steered axle and on the right is a non-steered axle. Here it is, fitted inside a wheel and tire assembly from 42054 Claas Xerion. No more tires catching on each other.:)