
Eurobricks Citizen
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  • Birthday 05/10/1988

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    Kielce, Poland
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    PHP, MySQL, CSS, HTML, LEGO, Metal Music


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  1. 18. Pablo94 - The Statue of Darth Vader - 3 points. 14. Lobot - The Resurrection of the Emperor - 2 points.
  2. Replace differentials with knobs, or break 12 teeth bevel gears and destroy diffs.
  3. Without full potential? Watch on youtube polish truck trial competition videos. Only lego parts, lego tires. Best lego trucks in the world
  4. Dluders - im lego purist, sorry. Using non lego parts, modifying them, cutting, painting. I hate it. Lego is lego, lets use what's is lego branded. Thats my Point of View about it.
  5. Using non lego tires suck. Using any non-lego parts sucks too
  6. Okay, I'll buy a 8421 - price - 100 euros? Any sellers? no? So this is the reason - now 8421 price is sick.
  7. It's excedeed bandwidth quota on server.
  8. (photo from september '11) And whole drawer below - filled with boxes, with some parts in ziplocked bags.
  9. Bricklink only i think. In last month 8052 was avaiable in Poland (Tesco Stores) with price 160 pln (something around 36 eur.)
  10. If you have time for that. If you work everyday, or 26-27 days in a month, it's nearly impossible.
  11. No, as i said 3hrs, 50 mins. Unboxing + Taking photos ( Sorting - not a good word, but i mean taking out from pile of pieces all gears, and big parts (panels, pneumatic cylinders, wheels etc)
  12. And this is one of a keys for fast building. Second key is sorting pieces before taking challenge.
  13. Not a joke. Really, i built 8110 twice, and it's possible to build it in this time. And for example - Building 8043 took me something about 3 hours and 20 minutes.