Follows Closely

Eurobricks Counts
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Everything posted by Follows Closely

  1. Surprised by the piece count on this one. Vote cast.
  2. Follows Closely

    Lego Icons 10332 Medieval Town Square Discussion Thread

    $215 would not cost enough to align with my expectations for the size of this set.
  3. Follows Closely

    Lego Icons 10332 Medieval Town Square Discussion Thread

    I am so excited for this one. I hope Lego takes this opprunity to update another 6 or so classic shields!
  4. Follows Closely

    Shield Collection by Year

    With the release of the Viking Village I wanted to post and updated of my Shield Collection. Just 19 to go! The shields included in the Viking Village are truely beautiful detailed shields.
  5. Follows Closely

    Lego Icons 10332 Medieval Town Square Discussion Thread

    LEGO is currently giving us gems from the classic age. My brain is talling me that it will be among the following factions: My gut is telling me this: my heart is desiring:
  6. Follows Closely

    Lego Icons 10332 Medieval Town Square Discussion Thread

    I would be dissapointed if a new faction is not introduced or more likely an old faction re-introduced.
  7. Follows Closely

    Lego Icons 10332 Medieval Town Square Discussion Thread

    I don't know the site and am sceptical of its source of this information, but I am excited none the less.
  8. Follows Closely

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    @Lion King, Go buy Assembly Square now! It is a better build than anything else that is available now. And the price will be $100 more in just a few months.
  9. Follows Closely

    VIKING VILLAGE Ideas set via Target vote

    I love the colorful figs, but I don't strive for historical accuracy.
  10. Follows Closely

    Shield Collection by Year

    You will find all you want to know and more here:
  11. Follows Closely

    Shield Collection by Year

    I debated as to what to do with the nexo knigh shields. I concluded that they deserve a second collection:
  12. Follows Closely

    2023 Majisto GWP

    I stand corrected; 30 years. I still think there is no chance the mold is put back into use. One thing I do know is that I will buy whatever I need to get this GWP.
  13. Follows Closely

    2023 Majisto GWP

    There is less than 1% chance you will see that 40 30 year old mold. I would not want it anyhow as I have plenty and they are affordable. Give us a new dragon!
  14. Follows Closely

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    This teaser video reminds me of the when Back to the Future Delorean (10300) LEGO released a short teaser video that featured Marty McFly & Doc Brown, in Minifigure form, going on an adventure to find a missing piece in order to get home, along their way they travel to a Medieval town, that has a massive brick-built Castle at its centre. The new castle (10305) was there, but LEGO merged it with sonething old to make it not so obvious. (source) I suspect that LEGO is doing this same trick once again.
  15. Follows Closely

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    The longer I look the less convincing it is...
  16. Follows Closely

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    I am 95% convinced that this is indeed a tease of the 2024 modular.
  17. Follows Closely

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    I think one a year is more than enought for my budget and space.
  18. Follows Closely

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    ^ Yep ^ I find in unexpected to have a large modular release this coming year. I am not saying it is a wrong rumor just unexpected. Unexpected because; What is going to come out in 2027 for the 20th anniversary? Is is going to be even larger than the 2024 modular? If history holds, it will still be available.
  19. Follows Closely

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    I wonder if LEGO is going to make a larger modular ever 7 years, contining the yet another clear pattern? 2007 C 32 10182-1 Cafe Corner 2007 S 16x2 10190-1 Market Street 2008 S 32 10185-1 Green Grocer 2009 S 32 10197-1 Fire Brigade 2010 C 32 10211-1 Grand Emporium 2011 S 16x2 10218-1 Pet Shop20 2012 S 32 10224-1 Town Hall 2013 C 32 10232-1 Palace Cinema 2014 S 32 10243-1 Parisian Restaurant 2015 S 32 10246-1 Detective's Office 2016 C 32 10251-1 Brick Bank 2017 S 48 10255-1 Assembly Square 2018 S 32 10260-1 Downtown Diner 2019 C 32 10264-1 Corner Garage 2020 S 16x2 10270-1 Bookshop 2021 S 32 10278-1 Police Station 2022 C 32 10297-1 Boutique Hotel 2023 S 32 10312-1 Jazz Club 2024 S 48 10326-1 ??????????????
  20. Follows Closely

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    I can't picture this working at all. Please elaborate.
  21. Follows Closely

    Lego Icons 10332 Medieval Town Square Discussion Thread

    That is the latest rumor. I suspect that @markopolo meant 40567 Forest Hideout.
  22. Follows Closely

    [MOC] BDP Mountain Fortress

    I did, and that part of the build was very enjoyable. Actually that floor was by far the most interesting part of the build for me. I am looking forward to building the real thing in the next 10-12 months.
  23. Follows Closely

    [MOC] BDP Mountain Fortress

    I am just a short while away from completing my atempt to build @SleeplessNight 's Mountain Fortress. My collection is old as I have added very few parts post 2015; I am missing 100+ pieces. I am not going to bricklink anything yet as I will wait untill more information comes out.
  24. Follows Closely

    [MOC] BDP Mountain Fortress

    ^ I am away from home this weekend, but once I am back I will verify my assumptions. Thanks @SleeplessNight. edit: Upon further investigation my build had a one stud error on one of the walls. Thanks again for details, I now have a firm foundation.
  25. Follows Closely

    [MOC] BDP Mountain Fortress

    Six months later and I realized I don't want to wait another 10 months to a year. The shape is interesting and not as complex as it appears. I am looking forward to the final product and I suspect that there may be a few structural changes in the final product, but probbly not as other bricklink sets had nothing changed, even thought they should have. The build has been great so far, the angles and the overall layout is believeable as a small fortress in a mountain top. I have decided to build a summber version since it was in the high 90s all week long. Snow just does not come easy in this heat. It is going to be the tallest castle by far when it is complete. This angle is not the best, but once it is complete it will show better from the "Front". I think I have the footprint correct, but I am not 100% sure as the red 1x plate in the middle has some preasure on it.