
Eurobricks Citizen
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    Classic Space

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  1. I'd be cool with that. Honestly, as long as it's got the CS logo - or some kind of variation, like some of the CMF figs have had - I'm in!
  2. I totally get that point of view, but... isn't that what we've had with *every* space theme, year after year, since Classic Space (or at least Futuron/Space Police) ended? I think it's time for a revival, personally... no doubt we'll get other, different space themes in the future, but '80s nostalgia in general is very high, and Classic Space's inclusion in The LEGO Movie means the time is ripe!
  3. DPrime

    Lego Classic Space Monorail

    Beautiful - thanks for sharing!
  4. DPrime

    LL 928 M.C.V.P

    Terrific job! The red wheels look a bit off to me, personally, but I can appreciate what you were going for, there. Wish this was an official set so I could buy it! :)
  5. DPrime

    LEGO Sci-Fi 2016 Pictures and Rumors

    I agree. It's too much "its own thing". To think we were spoiled, last year, getting Benny's ship, the mech, and even the green Futuron minifig in that town set! Oh, I love for the days...
  6. Anything in the modern era (WWI-present) is pretty much off limits, with the exception of maybe some of the planes. I'd love to see it happen (and quite frankly Lego's stance on this is a bit hypocritical), but I think a more realistic hope might be something more in the Napoleonic area? They've touched upon this with their various Pirates lines already, after all.
  7. DPrime

    "LEGO Ruins Creativity"... Again

    Meh, whatever. I don't know anything about this guy, definitely don't agree with this. One thing I will mention, however, is that I miss Lego's "alternate builds" pics on packaging - which I do think encouraged creativity - and I somewhat lament that licensed sets are first and foremost as far as the company's agenda goes. But that's about as far as I'd go with that.
  8. DPrime

    LEGO Sci-Fi 2015 Pictures and Rumors

    There's some kind of Classic Space mini ship included with the Benny Dimensions set, too... I guess it's supposed to be his spaceship from the movie. Looks pretty cool. Man, us Classic Space fans will take anything right now, eh? :)
  9. DPrime

    [MOC] Neo Classic Space Submarine

    I wonder if these would be used for Classic Space recovery at sea, since spaceships tend to land in the ocean upon returning to earth. :) I toyed with the idea of doing a boat for this purpose. There's a nice hull in old grey and blue (unfortunately, mine belonged to a kid who sawed through it).
  10. DPrime

    Great LEGO Sets: A Visual History

    A book with the Galaxy Explorer on the cover? I'm in. The miniscale version included is a nice bonus, too.
  11. DPrime

    moonbase MoonBase MOONBASE!

    Very nice. Looks like it could exist in real life, and I love that you've got it with Classic Space guys without going for an overbearing blue/light grey colour scheme.
  12. Very cool! I might have to try and make that base at some point. Gotta say, those yellow arms are distracting. They look too much like bare arms in space - glad Lego didn't go for that. :)
  13. DPrime


    Yeah, I was going to say as well, he's a little short in the legs. But holy moly, did you ever capture the look otherwise! Nicely done!
  14. DPrime

    REVIEW: #6895 Spy Trak 1

    Thanks for the review! Reminds me I've gotta pick this one up eventually... Great set. :)
  15. DPrime

    LEGO Sci-Fi 2015 Pictures and Rumors

    You know, it'd be pretty cool if they actually did put a sci-fi slant on something like that. I know I'm always touting the appeal of Classic Space and all, but if they could mix that with a NASA-like earth station/launch facility that'd be awesome... I mean, who wouldn't want to buy a Galaxy Explorer-like ship with big friggin' rocket boosters attached to it on a vertical launchpad? It'd be the perfect mix of something fresh and new with a classic, nostalgic type of appeal. :)