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Posts posted by ___

  1. The lighter one, I'd have to say.

    I agree, I think the lighter render looks better.

    I think I might have to go with the lighter one as well.

    Definitely the lighter one, unless you're going for a specific mood with the scene.

    I like the top one, which you call the lighter one but looks way darker to me.

    I'm going to say the darker one because to me you can see more details with it.

    Thank you guys for all your input - I appreciate it :thumbup::wink: ...but although I purely visually like the lighter version more as most of you did I will probably stick with the darker one in the end for a while cos as @Forresto exactly pointed out - and that is basically my primary aim (besides the best possible photo realistic feeling) - in that darker one you clearly see much more details tho it is not that shiny, like helmet is not partially blended with the background (overexposed-like) as well as other white bricks, rounded parts have more "rounded" feeling to it and other things like that. Anyway I am still not 100% sure...ah, this is really hard with me all the time: perfection is simply holding me back, gosh (like having 30+ other MOCs ready but not finished still just because of stuff like this)! :laugh::grin:

  2. I lamented that as well-- at first I wanted to make them white and purple, but after desperately trying to find various things in purple to substitute in place, it just didn't look good. So I settled for blue.

    But funnily enough, after I built them, I realized that I could do an inverted color photo of the original Blacktron sets, and see how they looked. And ... amazingly enough, it was a lot closer to blue than purple! Of course, the cockpit colors should still be some sort of "faint light bluish-purple", but by that time, I was already resigned to keeping the color scheme. I really DID want them to be build-able in real-life, after all.

    Oh, I built everything (nothing's rendered)-- and for that spread, I based it on an actual LEGO catalog spread, which I have a hard copy of. I took pictures of each set, attempting to mimic the exact shots that were used in the catalog (mirrored, of course). Then, I scanned in the catalog (actually, it was 2 catalogs-- the Space Police spread is from a 1990 catalog, the Blacktron layout I was copying was from 1989). And the rest was all Photoshop magic (Gimp, actually). I added in the gradient backgrounds, adjusted the sizing, tried to mimic the font and colors, and attempted to make the contrast and such match the rest of the page so that it didn't QUITE look as "dropped in". If I were a true Photoshop genius with a better photo setup, I'll bet it could've been done to make it impossible to tell that it wasn't a real catalog!



  3. But now it looks more like Futuron...it basically is Futuron now, so I don't know but very nice indeed.

    Oh, and how did you do that in that original LEGO catalog page - did you just use original paper and applied some filter(s) in some image editor or did you actually built it (rendered)? :look:

  4. What catalog page? I don't understand...

    :laugh: you see this is exactly the reason why one should never make two replies at once: it was meant for the other guy, not you, gee...I am sorry! :blush:

  5. Well, that part at least I've covered :)

    But the scenes I was putting them in are pretty wide open:

    So, I was curious what other types of crazy scenarios people might put them in.


    Aha! Got it now (probably) + very interesting usage of Whitetron :grin:

  6. But I used it) Not strong, but used.

    Well, in such case I am changing my previously stated words "a bit" to "really a lot of"... :laugh:

    But now it looks more like Futuron...it basically is Futuron now, so I don't know but very nice indeed.

    Oh, and how did you do that in that original LEGO catalog page - did you just use original paper and applied some filter(s) in some image editor or did you actually built it (rendered)? :look:

  7. It is very nice indeed BUT for even more realism to your renders in this particular case (as it is imitating kind-of film still frames) I would definitely add/use a bit of camera DOF (I guess you said elsewhere that you are rendering your designs/models/frames in Blender, so as you probably know Blender has quite neat DOF feature built in). :wink:

  8. After I made all the little "do-gooder" scenes, I kinda wondered if anyone would follow suit with some additional scenes :)

    I'd love to see some other people's takes on Whitetron guys helping out!


    Do you mean just switching all the black from original Blacktron sets into white?

  9. Hey guys

    From time to time I use to play a bit with new rendering light setup for my renders and the latest one (basically still just a prototype of one of the next MOCs of mine) makes me a bit head ache as I am not sure which version - lighter or darker - looks more natural (in a way, of course)...please, tell me what do you think, what is your opinion (thanx in advance for any thoughts on these two)? :blush:

    BTW: I personally favor the lighter one but as I am using white background and there is a lot of white color bricks it may sometime become visibly bleeched at some spots of that color, so I really don't know: do you think it is too obvious (there for it would be better avoiding such version) or could I go with the lighter one anyway? :laugh:

    Please, click images for FullHD versions so it is better visible...





  10. Hi there! actually i implemented "hiding" of steps and submodels in some of the first releases but i was dissatisfied with the results as it was kind of unreadable and confusing, so i removed it.. Also Javafx does its best to mess with sizes and alignements and is a real pain.

    About your suggestion for page layout, they're all good suggestion. I could go around implementing them the next time i pick up the code, but the real problem is that all the layouter logic (the thing that decide where to place what, margins etc) is stupid and needs to be rewritten. That's also the reason why the BOM is limited to a page and overflows badly.

    OK, understood - I wish you all goes fine as you intend to (fingers crossed as there are always possibilities that something goes wrong) :wink::thumbup:

  11. Gentlemen, I did what you suggested: ich rebuild the whole stuff from scratch. And now it worked out without any problems!

    Maybe, as I copied the basis of my (modified) crane from some source here in the forum, I messed something up.

    Now I am satisfied!

    Many thanks once again.


    In real life, the crane folds even a little more, as the whole stuff has some play.



    Great - I am glad I could help you a bit... :thumbup:

  12. Wow! First of all: THANK YOU so much for your support!

    I have to say, this is my first model I am drawing with LDD, so I am not that deep into that application sofar.

    I want to use LDD as a sort of an archive for my models. I have build this crane already with real bricks and now want to recreate it in LDD to have it archived just in case I need to disassemble the crane for some other project again.

    Now to my laws:

    as the two inner (black) sections of the crane are just sliding in each other and the outer (yellow) section, there could be no "real" connection. Each inner section is just stuck in the outer section and only held in place by a black 12T double bevel gear. Is i that, waht you mean "it is just sitting in the air", bublibe?

    Concerning my "unnesseccary connections": in LDD you're right, but in real life, these conncetions made the crane remarkable stiffer.



    No problem + yes, I understand you fully (you were simply creating in LDD 1:1 copy of your real life brick model) - on the other hand you just need to know that real bricks vs. LDD models are "a bit" different things, for example: in LDD there may not be any "open connection" if you want to bend/turn such build cos LDD is not able rotate stuff that has such connections in it (it needs to be all connected for rotation to work). therefore you always have to make some changes in such LDD builds (or at leeast make them temporarily just to rotate your stuff and return it back once you have done it). :wink:

  13. OK, here you go: I had to remove the inner part of the 3rd section (the black one) cos it was NOT CONNECTED TO ANYTHING - it was just sitting there in the air thus rotating did not work - once removed it is working OK...I rotated it as you wanted (see included .lxf file + I put that inner black part outside your model, but if I were you I would rather really rethink that design unless it is some real LEGO model that you are trying to recreate, of course EDIT: I just realized it is a LEGO set). :wink:

    BTW: I am suggesting you to really rewriting your model cos it has so many not needed bricks that only making whole model less "readable" when searching for possible flaws + many of those connection you made there have no real effect in LDD...


  14. Hi guys,

    i despair!

    Can some of you pros help me rotating that crane into an "upstrait" position. It should stay folded, but should "stand straight" on the turntable. The turntabel should be the lowest part.

    How can help me?

    1000 Thanks!


    You simply have flaws in your LDD design: somewhere in the last 3rd section (the one connected as last part) is something wrong: probably it just sit in the air pretending it is connected to the other parts cos when I deleted it then it could be rotated...I am further inspecting it but as your design is quite a mess of a technic bricks it may take a little (if at all) :wink:

  15. @bublible

    I update the Section Index locally, and I "upload" the changes occasionally.

    The problem is that the topic is locked and I've to bother Superkalle in order to unlock it.

    About pinned topics, time ago we decided to reduce the number of pinned topics because we noticed that many pinned topics means very few users that read them.

    At the end we decided that only a Section Rules and a Section Index topic was really necessary, and that we should avoid to yield to temptation to add other topics to the list! :grin:

    About find the list in the Index Topic, note that in the first post you can find a general index that lead to the desired post.

    :classic: yes, as I said it was my mistake thinking it is not there...

  16. Sometimes also the best IT professionals have a bad day :p

    Right: the "problem" for me was/is that @Calabar did not update initial topic post rather instead posted it as one of its other succeeding posts - I actually was looking at the same pinned topic as you guys, scrolled down a bit but when I did not see the list I thought it is not there (I did not think he would make it like that expecting having it all in one first initial post cos to me it happened to be a bit misleading as you can see, ah - my fault, sorry)

  17. Hey guys

    What about pinning a new topic called, for example, "Software links" where would only be a long list of all software that ppl posted here in this section so one can find them all quite easily (+ it would be locked so ppl would not be tempted leaving some kind of messages - it would be just a clear shortcut to posts of those sw form this forum section) - what do you think, hm? :wink:

    Also there would only be sw name, short one sentence description and link to its topic here on BR forum - It could look for example somehow like this:

    BlueRender ( http://www.eurobrick...howtopic=109972 )

    • renders your LDD models into photorealistic picture output

    SW2 ( http://www.eurobrick... )

    • some description here...

    SW3 ( http://www.eurobrick... )

    • some other description...



    For example, lately I was searching for a sw that exports LDD model bricks into a file that can be uploaded to Bricklink creating new favorite entry in my profile - I remember I saw it here once but I forget its name, author, everything about that sw - now if we had such topic as I suggested it would be nothing easier than open that locked pinned topic and find my sw I am looking for!

  18. Very good - I always adore ppl that are able make this small "picture frames", you know: like some still from a film or something cos me myself was never trying anything of this kind (my interest is elsewhere as for the LEGO) so I find it really enjoyable looking at these sculptures (it just can't be overdimensioned as it quite often becomes kind of norm or something which I find a bit ugly sometimes), bravo (+ what I also appreciate is that castle-space hybrid feeling to it :laugh: )! :thumbup:

  19. Another possible design, Jungle Explorer

    I really like it more and more: it is not big - rather compact, it has its own "feeling/flow" to it...actually this could be some small but nice LEGO line (I mean I can clearly imagine this) :thumbup:

  20. Self promoting aside, which I have no authority to talk about, I do like the MOC a lot. I would love to see a space theme based around terraforming and spacey greenhouses.

    Thank you very much...actually I am just finishing my first LDD screen-captured set modularity video I am gonna posting it to YouTube today and then place it here as well so anyone can see it in "action" (lhough still just in virtual reality, of course) - hope you all will like it. :classic: