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About M_longer

  • Birthday 08/30/1989

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  1. I believe that whole recolour quota for Technic was taken by 42154 then
  2. I'm selling instructions for years at Rebrickable, and it does not matter if you will ask 1€ or 100€, if thieves would see potential in selling your model, it will be just bought from you.
  3. I'm going to look at how this attempt on looking for customers will end. Because I have never seen someone who says that will make instructions, if there will be enough potential customers and not showing the model fully working.
  4. Any chances for video showing the functions?
  5. Use Bricksafe, Flickr or Brickshelf for uploading pictures.
  6. 1:8 cars were not made to show functions. You'd need to strip half of the bodywork to show how it all works.
  7. One more thing - paid instructions sales had its peak trough Covid times. Sales dropped significantly after.
  8. What kind of license costs are behind these? 42203 (462 pcs | $49.99) 42204 (810 pcs. | $59.99) Only 10$ more for 350 pieces more?
  9. Said by guy who is a MOC-making God for me. Rrrrright. I have started in 2007, drooling over your Brickshelf gallery :D Mostly by this I have tried to make C models:
  10. Why are you so interested in someone's money?
  11. I just share my opinion about complaints from a perspective of someone, who sell instructions for years. And there were A LOT of people nagging for free instructions in past years. See, some people think that everything related to LEGO should be free. Just because "it's LEGO and I'm a fan of LEGO". Sorry, my bills are not for free. And? I have even been said (ONCE), that I should release all my instructions for free (hundreds of hours of work spent on them) and rely only on voluntary donations. And that was the dumbest ideaI have ever heard :) Main idea behind making paid instructions; If you have paid 200€ for a set, spending additional 10-15€ on completely new and different model is a fair deal. No additional bricks, no addtional effort. Just few % of price you have already paid for bricks for 100% new building experience. So what would you build then? Those low quality ones? :)
  12. As always, you can mae anything else from the set, these are just same bricks, just used in different places ;)
  13. Not a single one of my MOCs fall into this category. See, I'm making things that people like ;)