
Eurobricks Citizen
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Posts posted by ronenson

  1. That's really nice. I'm actually in the process of lighting up my Lego city with modulars and trains as well. I'm however starting with automating a level crossing using an Arduino, and take it from there. I have also been thinking about the connection between floors of modulars, and I was thinking about using a magnetic connector between the floors. I haven't found a suitable connector for that yet that's still affordable enough in quantities. Good luck, I will closely follow this thread!

  2. I think it's briliant from marketing point-of-view. What would those people who want a full block think after it has finished? They would have an excuse to stop collecting modulars. At least now with a 48-wide modular in between, you would leave out one half of the pet-shop, and you automatically start with an unfinished new block, so you'll have to continue collecting. Well thought out Lego! 

  3. I got into modulars a little less than 2 years ago. Now I own almost all of them, except the green grocer and the market street. I bricklinked the cafe corner, and I hope to do the same with green grocer if the sand green 1x2 brick with groove ever becomes available in a new set. If not, touch luck. I don't intent to get the market street at all. One of each modular is enough for me, I'd like to leave some space for the train track as well.

  4. I bought the Silvermine from Lone Ranger almost two years ago. It appealed to me, and I wanted to use it as a trackside structure. I only recently got around to modding it into my layout. I tried to keep as much as possible of the original structure and bricks, but also wanted to fit it in between two tracks spaced 8 studs apart. It was quite a challenge, but I'm quite happy with the results:


    Regular 6 wide trains (plus a bit sticking out) can easily pass it on both sides

  5. As a kid, my parents got me a used 720 with blue 12V track. I later got a 7760 as well from my parents. I played with those quite a lot.When we got our son the 7939 for his birthday, the lego train virus got me again, and I started to build some of my own. Now I could afford much more than back when I was a kid, so I build a nice setup in the attic. I think it was the 7777 lego ideas book that gave me a lot of inspiration back then, I still have that. I converted the 720 and 7760 to PF, and expanded on that. Lego trains have some sort of magic to it, at least that's how I feel about it.

  6. 2015-04-23_01-22-40.png

    Anyone got an alternative build for this turntable base? It's pretty expensive and a good color is essential for the entrance.

    Simply use a 2x2 jumper plate, works for 3 out of the 4 turntables

    EDIT: Missed the previous post, that's exactly what I meant