
Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by ronenson

  1. ronenson

    EMD SD40-2 BNSF Locomotive 1:16

    I just saw this beauty today at Legoworld in Utrecht. What an impressive engine. The details are amazing.
  2. ronenson

    The scale thing

    I build 6 wide. Above all, I prefer consistency with the official Lego models.
  3. ronenson

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    I got lucky then. Ordered mine on Monday, and I already got it today. I just finished the first floor. Glad I did.
  4. ronenson

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    I finally decided to buy the Town Hall, based on all those rumours and double vip points. They were never gone in s@h in the Netherlands, but I didnt want to risk it. Just a bit sooner than I had planned.
  5. ronenson

    Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    I like the idea of an alley. An alley doesn't actually save bricks, but costs more, because it adds two more outer walls. I'm started to get really curious what it'll look like.
  6. ronenson

    MOC: Lego Train Station 60050 XXL!

    I actually like the 3 track version a lot
  7. ronenson

    eBay purchases - built or unbuilt

    Of course I prefer to build purchases myself as well, but I don't mind if it comes assembled. I simply consider disassembling part of the unwrapping experience.
  8. ronenson

    Buying Lego in Germany - tax refund?

    I noticed in the link above, it says that it's applicable for non-EU residents, but since you live in Germany, I'm not sure you are a non-EU resident.
  9. ronenson

    Selling my LEGO!

    You'll get a much higher value if you can sell complete sets.
  10. ronenson

    Arch Suspension Bridge

    Very nice train bridge you made. I finished my train bridge last month. It's rather plain, but it does contain two tracks. I like yours even more than mine.
  11. ronenson

    I need some advice for my track layout

    I suggest to move your double cross-over to the right by two pieces, and move the switch thats in the way up. This way you get more straight track that can be used for platforms. Nice layout by the way
  12. ronenson

    MOC/MOD Blue Bonnet SantaFe with B unit

    Very refreshing livery, nicely done!
  13. ronenson

    Difference between HE en creator trains

    Actually, the back bogie is shorter. Its 9 studs long, where the motor is 10 studs long. It doesn't matter for powering, it still fits. The magnet simply is placed slightly to the back if you double-power it. I've got mine equipped with 2 motor in 1 loco as well.
  14. ronenson

    Clam Piece Issue (Part 30218)

    I had the exact same issue in Januari. There was a topic opened back then as well: I just ordered a replacement part, and that worked out fine. Lego replaces these for free.
  15. ronenson

    New way to control LEGO trains?!

    I also like the concept, but I can't seem to find anything more than the text you pasted. Do you know more?
  16. Oh wow. I would start by tearing them all apart. Dont miss out on a great building experience.
  17. ronenson

    MOC: Snack Bar - an updated #675

    Wow man, incredible. All the nostalgia it brings back. I also couldn't stop gaping at the car with caravan (6694), which was always one of my favorites. I love how well you've captured the feeling of ages ago in a modern flavor.
  18. ronenson

    [WIP] Road rail knuckleboom crane

    Very nice. I look forward to what you've updated
  19. ronenson

    Red's MOCs n' Mods

    I really like the design, and especially the combination of dark red and yellow stripe. There's one issue however when you want to actually build it: the train windows are not available in dark red.
  20. ronenson

    Several problems with passenger train 7938

    I don't recognize the problems you're facing. Here it runs fine on rechargeables.
  21. I'm truly amazed at the jump in the pledges in the recent hours. I just upped my pledge a bit, and now it's only $116 to go. A couple of days ago, I didn't think this was going to fly...
  22. ronenson

    FS Class E 656 Caiman

    Wow, this MOC is really amazing.
  23. ronenson

    NEWS 2014 trains!

    They are indeed for pallet racking. If you look closely, you see the grey plates include a doorrail.
  24. ronenson

    Do you build with LEGO while using the bathroom?

    Reading eurobricks most definitely, but actual building nope
  25. ronenson

    MOC: TTX Intermodal for 7939 container size

    Good to see this MOC/MOD is appreciated. In the meantime, I've added a second 3-piece spine car, and worked on some better containers, both 20 and 40 foot.