
Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Dav1d

  1. Dav1d

    LEGO Trains 2022

    I think the post showing the Metroliner 4558, Freight Rail Runner 4564 and Santa Fe Super Chief 10020 were examples of realism. I suppose 'realism' is relative - it is a toy built from LEGO where correct scale doesn't really work. It was sets 4559 Cargo Railway and 4565 Freight & Crane railway 4560 Railway Express where the realism took a dip.
  2. Dav1d

    LEGO Trains 2022

    I had initially thought it was flex track - so hopefully there will be no more of that. I also wondered what the 'railway stables' is - I assume it should be translated to 'siding'.
  3. Dav1d

    LEGO Trains 2022

    Is the front/back of the loco the same as the front of 60197 Passenger train?
  4. There was an interesting article about Torben Plagborg in the 90th Block magazine telling his story at LEGO and the introduction of the 9V trains. A few items are of particular interest: In the mid 1980's when the future of trains were in doubt, in his his own time he built 25 different locomotives to show managers from all over the world that interesting trains could still be made. They spent a lot of time developing larger radius curves, but in the end because children's rooms all over the world are not too big they had to stick with the current radius. He wanted to make trains as realistic as possible, others wanted the opposite, fortunately he won. (You can tell when he left with the imaginary 4559 Cargo Railway & 4565 Freight & Crane Railway). .
  5. Dav1d

    Indoor train layout ft 60197

    It was clever how you kept the camera just in front/behind the moving train.
  6. Dav1d

    LEGO Trains 2022

    I have been looking back to LEGO train leaks in 2018. On 6th January 2018 there were very fuzzy pictures. On 30th April there was as small picture of the cargo train on the cover of the LEGO magazine. On 12th May there were some poor quality pictures from a Russian Toy Fair. On 23rd May the first official images appeared. On 1st July they were launched. This year LEGO appears to be keeping a tight lid on leaks. I assume LEGO will not be appearing at a Russian Toy Fair (I wonder what their policy is on trading with Russia?).
  7. Dav1d

    LEGO Trains 2022

    A few years ago on a trip to Billund I spoke to a train designer and said I hoped to see a small train like the ones shown above. I was told children prefer big trains - I was quite disappointed. There is now a new train designer, so we will wait and see....
  8. Dav1d

    Train stuff on Ideas getting approved? Forget it!

    I had a look at this myself and found Exploring Marketing Research - Barry J. Babin, William G. Zikmund - Google Books "Interviewing respondents face-to-face allows the investigator to show them new product samples. sketches of proposed advertising or other visual aids. When Lego Group wanted to introduce new train model sets for its famous building bricks. the company targeted adults who build complex models with its product. The company invited adults who were swapping ideas at the Lego website to visit the New York office, where they viewed ideas and provided their opinions. The respondents wound up rejecting an the company's ideas, but they suggested something different: the Santa Fe Super Chief set, which sold out within two weeks of introduction due only to enthusiastic word of mouth." Telephone interviews could not have yielded such rich results." I don't see where the idea of it being a marketing disaster came from - maybe a problem with the licance?
  9. Dav1d

    Train stuff on Ideas getting approved? Forget it!

    What was the marketing disaster - I thought it was a success? the 10020 Super Chief, 10022 & 10025 Sant Fe Cars and the 10133 BNSF loco have a very high resale price.
  10. Dav1d

    Lego 12v Layout #4

    The video is well filmed and the trains run well so it does not show the difficulty of running more than one train on the 12V track. The 12V tack is always live unlike with the 9V track where changing the points turns the current on or off. The two signals are used effectively, as one train leaves a passing place the other takes it place. Two sets of signals are definitely needed. It shows the complexity of the wiring with wires all over the place. It was a very clever system. It is a pity that after 30 years the only 'improvement' LEGO have come up is battery operation to give control to an individual train but no remote control level crossing, points or uncoupling.
  11. Dav1d

    Looking to build a small model railroad

    The straights are 16 studs long.
  12. Dav1d

    Custom Stickers - Recommendations?

    I have used these Clear Labels | Avery
  13. Dav1d

    Trains in 4-Wide

    40518: High-Speed Train | Brickset: LEGO set guide and database An official 4 wide train. i
  14. Dav1d

    LEGO Trains 2021

    Here is the picture of the train from Brickset.
  15. Dav1d

    small hopper wagon moc

    Very nice, how do they empty? They look a bit like the hopper wagon from set 4564 or the hopper wagon 10017.
  16. Dav1d

    [MOC] DB Class V60 Diesel shunter

    It would be great if LEGO were to produce small trains like these.
  17. I find the image to be too black to make out the detail of the model. It is a fantastic model but it is hard to see it clearly. I haven't used the software so I can't give any advice. I could hardly make out there was a description sign.
  18. I'm an 'old timer' and I still use Track Designer. Here is my design - trying to follow your instructions and fit on a 1.2 x 2.4m board. As you can see there is a small 'gap' in the track 0- but is shouldn't matter. It is not very 'L' shaped. As it says there is a 4 stud border - if I had the track right to the edge I may have been able to fit more in.
  19. Dav1d

    LEGO Trains 2021

    I was told that the reason they stopped showing alternative models on the box is that they kept on disappointing customers who phoned up asking for the instructions for the alternative models. They decided it was better not to show them. A lot of work goes into creating instructions. It is a pity, as they were there for inspiration.
  20. Dav1d

    Train Shed & Layout

    I see it was a way of using flexi - track.
  21. Dav1d

    Has anyone bought 9v track from okbrickworks?

    When I look at the 4DBRix website, I can only see plastic track https://www.4dbrix.com/products/train/ I thought only FxBrix were making 9V track https://www.fxbricks.com/
  22. I have been thinking for sometime of buying TrixBrix Boom Barrier Combo but I haven't found any reviews by users. Has anyone bought this product - did it live up to expectations? Boom Barriers Combo (trixbrix.eu)
  23. Dav1d

    60052 MOC

    Here is my MOD of the Blue loco from set 60052. I tried to build it using only the bricks supplied with 60052 but gradually I used more. I happened to have two spare 2 wide blue train windows. I like these small locos - they are hard to do without a 9V train motor.
  24. Dav1d

    Yamanote Line E231-500 series

    Is the station roof made from brick separators?