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Everything posted by littletree

  1. ======================================================================================================= “勇敢”的勇士在努力和僵尸“作战”
  2. littletree

    Street fighting

    This is my first post in a foreign website If I have done something wrong, please forgive me. This my LEGO comic story scene. But that comic language is Chinese If you are interested, you can click on this link to seeThis my LEGO comic story scene. But that comic language is Chinese. If you are interested, you can click on this link to see Because my English is not very well, so Many text description are copied the Chinese. I'm so sorry~ This is my MOCpages. I hope your support. Thank you! 这是发生在奥尔维亚境内的某个乡镇一角的战役。铁血督军带领着自己的爪牙在破败不堪的街道搜寻着叛军。 然而,反抗军早已做好偷袭的准备。 三名反抗军躲在墙角准备反击,但是他们很紧张。 反抗军士兵全神贯注的盯着目标,准备时刻发起攻击。 他们知道对手并不好对付。 强大的政府军已经有人形机甲作为后盾。 这让反抗军很是头疼 另外两名士兵躲在已经倒塌的房屋内,企图用火箭筒毁灭对手。 场景的另一面 原本的店铺在战争的洗礼下几乎面目全非。 越是在这样的环境中就越容易隐蔽自己 看到敌人已经进入射击范围,不禁流露出了一丝微笑
  3. littletree

    Street fighting

    Thank you for your support!!