
Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. berninhr

    [MOC] Siege of Toulon Collaboration Display

    Thank you I am glad you like it! and I am sure does Franco Clarke has some more pictures Thank you! Its was in the UK a town called reading happens every year And yeah the one by Ridely Scott
  2. I thought I would share a recent display me and Franco Clarke did at reading brick show this year. Its the Siege of Toulon (1793) base off the recent(ish) napoleon film. The ship of the line and the frigate were mine and Franco Clarke built the fiery brig and the very impressive fort. Please let you know what you think or if you have any questions
  3. berninhr

    [MOC] Fat Merchantman

    Lovely build! Kinda reminds me of the ships that would sail into Amsterdam just missing the leeboard keel.
  4. berninhr

    [MOC] Royal Navy Frigate - MOC

    Lovely build! feels like the perfect adversary for the 3 in 1 creator ship. You got any plans to build it in real life? Would be great to see.
  5. berninhr

    [WIP] - my first attempt to build a redcoat ship

    Not a bad first attempt at a ship! I know I have built worse ships. What I would definitely recommend is checking out is building digitally on it really helped me. This shows a lot of promise though!
  6. berninhr

    [MOC] 64 gun 3rd rate ship of the line. The lobster

    Yeah can never go wrong by adding guns! Thank you glad you like her. I thought I would share some behind the scenes photos in case anyone would be interested Here is how I have to store the ship as she is too tall for my shelves with the masts attached and here is a few pictures of the build process and finally complete next to the first imperial flag ship
  7. berninhr

    [MOC] 64 gun 3rd rate ship of the line. The lobster

    Thank you glad you like her. She took many iterations and even more hours to get right. Thank you! Unfortunately the gun deck is not very detailed and there is a lot of support structure so there isn't really too much to look at. Ah yeah that took a while to get right but basically lots and lots of hinge plates lol Thank you so much! and yeah getting good photographs was a bit of a challenge quickly found out I didn't quite have enough baseplates
  8. berninhr

    [MOC] Kiss of Death, my new pirate ship!

    Lovely Build! The colour scheme works really well.
  9. Hello I thought I should share my most recent creation. A 64 gun 3rd rate ship of the line! Please let me know what you think!
  10. This is mine and a friends collaboration at a local LEGO convention. (Pirate themed of course) Let me know what you think!
  11. berninhr

    [MOC] Cutting It Close

    Awesome vignette! The details and figure posing is just top notch great work!
  12. berninhr

    [MOC] HMS Aurelian

    Well this certainly a very good first post! And it might be personal taste but I would tempted be to put the guns at slightly different heights to mimic a curve.
  13. berninhr

    [MOC] HMS Aurelian

    A lovely build! I especially like the details on the deck and inside the ship.
  14. berninhr

    [MOC] Redcoat frigate The Crab

    Thank you very much!! Yeah definitely kind of built around bashing pirates Glad you like it! It takes a surprisingly amount of time to positioned them all Thank you! I will see if I can get some more pictures of my full redcoat fleet
  15. berninhr

    [MOC] The Fortress V.2.0

    What a lovely build! all the little details are great