
Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Maniac4Legos

  1. Guess who's back, if only once in a while.

  2. Maniac4Legos

    Very Surreal Alpha Team Prototype

    A great backstory to Alpha Team, but there's one thing I discovered recently that I couldn't figure out: in the manual for LEGO Alpha Team on GameBoy Color, Ogel is described as being the "arch-nemesis of Dirk Brick and the LEGO Alpha Team". Who is Dirk Brick? He is never mentioned anywhere else in the manual, nor in the video game, and to my best recollection, not mentioned in the sets or the PC version of the game (which was released prior to the GBC version by 2 months). I've searched for hours online finding any crumb of Dirk Brick mentioned anywhere else, and nothing turned up. I've come up with a few possibilities for who Dirk Brick is: 1) Dirk Brick is the former name of Dash Justice, the Alpha Team leader. Considering Dirk Brick is referred to separately from the Alpha Team, he could be the leader Dash, who has also been referenced separate from the Alpha Team. Maybe a working name before the more on-the-nose name he finally had (Dash - running - Motions Expert). 2) Dirk Brick is the name of an agent prior to Alpha Team (LEGO Logic / TILT). The Instruction manual uses an older render of Dash and Radia, which can also lend itself to the first theory, but can also show this from an earlier stage of the game / story bible. Of the characters in LEGO Logic, 3 of the 5 main characters were named ("a chef, a gymnast (named Flip), a magician, a mad scientist (Dr. Pogo), and a marching band musician (Major Minor)" ), as well as an unnamed cowboy at one point in development, so the name could have belonged to one of them. However, the name doesn't lend itself to anyone's style or talent as the other names do. 3) Dirk Brick is retroactively the name of Spy from CMF Series 16. In Series 16 of Collectible Minifigures (2016), there is a Spy minifigure whose bio suggests, "almost nothing is known about his identity or past" and only nicknamed as "Agent A". He DOES have a recton connecting him to several LEGO themes including Alpha Team, Agents and Galaxy Squad - "His first recorded mission on file was for the organization known as Alpha Team, when he triggered a mind control orb self-destruct program that toppled the evil Ogel’s latest scheme for world domination and freed his brainwashed Skeleton Drone minions. (Full Bio here)". His timeline also refers to the "Zed Incident", which ties back to Alpha Team as well since Zed is the only minifigure to date, non-licensed, to have that name. Is Spy supposed to retcon the name Dirk Brick? Not likely, but in headcanon that can fit well.
  3. Maniac4Legos

    Lucky LEGO finds

    In Stop and Shop I found City 4x4 and Diving Boat slightly opened and reduced to $10! Only one part was missing, the orange boat (not in a sealed bag), so I placed an order for a missing piece and got it from LEGO! At Toys R Us I was allowed access to a Bricktober Theater promo set! It sat on the shelf as a regular store item, and the manager ovverode the scanning error (intended to prevent purchases of the set prior to release date, October 5, 2014). I didn't ask for it to be ovverode, the manager did it themselves. Review for it here! At Toys R Us I found a Batman DS accessory pack for $0.04! Price when scanned, originally more than $7.99, great find! Review of it here, before anyone else publicly sees:
  4. Maniac4Legos

    Bionicle 2015 Discussion

    If these appear in stores this year, it will be around the holiday season (roughly December 2014). At this point it would make sense in LEGO's typical marketing waves for them to appear at the next available time - holiday season wave. Plus, new LEGO at this time might help boost the interest to non-Bionicle fans. It's very common for new themes (or continuation of old themes) to appear in the December wave, compared to a March or August wave, in that more themes are typically introduced in December compared to other season waves.
  5. Maniac4Legos

    LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors

    For the brief moment the Tuskens on screen, they scared me when I was younger. But looking at them now... http://www.sideshowt...press04-001.jpg They're not so bad. I actually liked the first LEGO version of these guys, well done for detail on the torso and head, and I'm lucky to own them. https://www.thedaily.../b000rtvfto.png I know Star Wars strives for accuracy, but I actually liked these without molded heads at first. I didn't see the new versions so I hope they live up to and improve on the original. (If anyone already talked about these figures in visual comparison I apologize, I didn't read every post of this forum.)
  6. Maniac4Legos

    Hello! My name is Joey

    Hello everyone! My name is Joey, also known as Maniac4Legos. I run a YouTube LEGO channel of a similar name, Maniac4LEGO, on which I review LEGO sets and merchandise, video games, movies, playthroughs of games, and have videos about my MOCs and my LEGO City. I also report LEGO news. Once I get myself settled in to Eurobricks I will be able to connect better to the LEGO community. Now a little bit about me. I am 19 years old and I live in the US. I've been playing with LEGO all my life, from DUPLO to regular. I have been a fan of many themes over LEGO's history, but some of my favorites include Rock Raiders, Agents, Aqua Raiders and Power Miners. I've gathered lots of LEGO books and other merchandise as well, and have a very full LEGO room that I'm trying to clean, haha. I've been on Eurobricks before but I didn't know what to do here. I'm back by invite of a friend, Just2GoodEurobricks, yet I still feel lost in the sea of faces using this website. I still cannot find out how to make posts (except this one), how to upload pictures and where to search best for topics I want to explore. If some can help me along these paths I would very much appreciate it :) I'm also very busy in college so I'm not sure how much I can get here. I also have a Flickr page (Maniac4LEGO), Twitter page (Maniac4LEGO) and a deviantArt page (WorldwideImage) on all of which I try to upkeep and post my LEGO information and ideas, along with YouTube as said before. I look forward to meeting some friendly faces on here and to find a place to fit in the community. :) I guess I said enough. Bye for now!
  7. Goodbye Eurobricks. I won't miss you.

  8. Goodbye Eurobricks. I won't miss you.

  9. Maniac4Legos

    Hello! My name is Joey

    Hello everyone, This is Maniac4Bricks, my new username for most sites (couldn't figure out how to change it here). I'm just posting a note to say that I am deactivating myself from this community. It's a great resource for finding and discussing LEGO information, but to be honest, it's too overwhelming for me. I've had conflicts with people who use this site, and I think it's best that I stay away from here. I'm sorry everyone. Goodbye. Maybe someday I will return, but no promises it will be soon, unless conflicts are resolved. Play well, Maniac4Bricks
  10. Maniac4Legos

    The end of Shouting Win Kid?

    Are going to list sets without the shouting win kid? 70160 has the green ninja. 60032 has a firefighter. Play well, Maniac4Bricks :)
  11. Maniac4Legos

    LEGO Ultra Agents 2014

    Thank you for the information! Sounds like a quick and easy game, which seems a little disappointing to me compared to it's Agents predecessor on the LEGO website. I'll look into it before reviewing the sets!
  12. This is true, but I know for a fact that he is primarily a Marvel fan. Not saying that he can't buy DC stuff also, but I'd be surprised if he was interested in a DC game, especially this late in the trilogy (counting Batman: The Videogame as #1 of course). Thanks for showing my image! I find them on the LEGOBatmanGame account on Instagram and repost them to Flickr, Twitter and Instagram Play well, Maniac4Bricks :)
  13. Maniac4Legos

    LEGO Ultra Agents 2014

    Thanks for the information! I'll look on the App Store and see if it's available!
  14. You seem interested in this game. Are you getting it?
  15. Maniac4Legos

    Ninjago 2014

    Don't worry about being ninja'd! I thought you told me you weren't trying to be the most popular :(
  16. Maniac4Legos

    Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion

    Since when are we getting 2015 batman set info? Very nice find bud! Also you have off today? I took care of it. Sorry. I didn't see the discussion posted. See my revised reply above.
  17. Now that we have information about Batman 3 (which I expected after the success and the ending of Batman 2), it's time to ask some important questions about the game. We only have one image of the Batman outfits (other than the trailer) but what other outfits could be included in this game? What could possibly be the promotional figure for the games preorder release? What areas will be explored in this new game since it no longer takes place in Gotham city? Who can we expect will be boss levels in this game? Will there be a change or advance of any current superhero powers? What type of vehicles should we expect the superheroes to use in space? What type of many kits would be created for each level? Could we see any signs of Batman's gallery of villains in space?
  18. Maniac4Legos

    Super Heroes 2014 Rumors & Discussion

    Sorry about replying here! I didn't see the other discussion first. Being on an iPhone has it's limits for seeing Eurobricks after all. I can't scroll to the end of the discussion quickly. Sorry. I deleted it and posted that reply elsewhere. Play well, Maniac4Bricks
  19. Maniac4Legos

    LEGO Ultra Agents 2014

    Very true. Adam Acid also has the toxic stain type that Toxikita and Retox share, especially in the torso and face.
  20. Maniac4Legos

    2014 City Sets - Rumours and Discussion

    New City Repair Lift polybag available at TRU Play well, Maniac4Bricks :)
  21. Maniac4Legos

    LEGO Ultra Agents 2014

    I think he or anyone else should take their time and get it patiently. I haven't even seen UA show up in my stores, but I can wait happily for their arrival :) I mean, we're all anxious for new sets, but we should not be hasty in our LEGO money spending or reviewing methods. I prefer to take my time with things, personally, to avoid sloppiness. As a great man once said, "haste makes waste," and another said, "slow and steady wins the race". Play well, Maniac4Bricks :) For specific listings of the torso used above, see here: http://www.bricklink...asp?P=973p28c01 Mutt's torso looks more thug-like and could work well with Ghost Rider :) Play well, Maniac4Bricks :)
  22. Hello everyone, I've thought about the LEGO Simpsons episode in relation to other LEGO licensed releases to DVD and Blu-Ray, and I wanted to start an open discussion about some of the questions below: 1. How will the LEGO Simpsons episode "Brick Like Me" be released? Would it be with the Season box set, or an independent release for LEGO fans? 2. When can we expect it released? 3. If it was an independent release, what type of exclusive minifigure could we expect with it? Although I have no information about its release, I created this topic to offer up predictions and possibilities for what the future may hold. Please be respectful to all user's comments; everyone's opinion is welcome and if questioned must not be done in a harmful way. In my opinion, I hope it's a separate release since LEGO fans may be less willing to buy an expensive box set for just one episode's worth (unless they like the Simpsons or have already bought it on iTunes for $2.99). If it has an exclusive figure, I wouldn't imagine LEGO making a new Simpsons mold for a figure. They typically create a variation of an existing figure for these DVD/Blu-Ray releases. I predict it would be a variation of Homer or Bart, never made before but changed by color or printing. For example, Bart in his original clothes from the original Simpsons shows when he had a blue shirt and blue shorts. Or maybe Homer in one of thousands of outfits he's worn before. Play well, Maniac4Bricks :)
  23. Maniac4Legos

    half pipe/ramp corner?

    If I recall correctly, this piece is from Sports (2002-2003) and was part of mainly snowboarding sets, so I don't know if it has other colors than blue, but the ramp pieces that attach to either side are in several colors such as old grey, beige, white, and blue. Old grey was in Island Extreme Stunts, one set, two pieces like this. There are very few other smooth pieces that could create a corner ramp effect like this. This one is your best shot for a smooth surface unless you have expert MOC building skills. Good luck making it! Play well, Maniac4Bricks :)
  24. Maniac4Legos

    I have a question about motors

    According to JangBricks' review of this set ( ) at roughly 6:45, he explains how to attach the PF motor, which the model accompanies for by adding in some pieces and its arrangement.Play well, Maniac4Bricks :)
  25. Maniac4Legos

    June calendar

    The balloon cart looks nice, I like how they brought back the kid's shirt from older City sets (Sports when debuted). I'd like to have the kid's face since I always see it used in creations but rarely appearing in sets ;( The rest of the balloon cart has a nice build too and the re-use of Rodney Rathbone's torso works great here. I like the monthly build too! Looks minifigure compatible and great use of lime green pieces :) Play well, Maniac4Bricks :)