
Eurobricks Dukes
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About Leo604

  • Birthday 06/23/1995

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  1. Leo604

    Who's Your Favorite Film Composer and/or Score?

    LOTR trilogy - Howard Shore. Favourite is probably The Grey Havens or that Rohan theme. Revenge of the Sith - John Williams. He's given the sequel trilogy some great themes but Episode 3 stills tops it for me. Dunkirk - Hans Zimmer. Runner-up for me is his score for The Dark Knight Rises. Silver Linings Playbook - Danny Elfman.
  2. Leo604

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Watched Sicario on Netflix this afternoon - I don't know how I missed this movie coming out in 2015.
  3. Leo604

    What Video Game(s) are you playing?

    Was gifted Dark Souls 3 on Steam, about an hour into it now.
  4. Leo604

    What was the last movie you watched?

    Top Gun earlier today.
  5. Leo604

    What Video Game(s) are you playing?

    Currently Skyrim SE that someone gifted to me, with Dishonored 2 on backlog.
  6. Leo604

    Nintendo Switch

    http://kotaku.com/now-even-zelda-breath-of-the-wild-is-getting-dlc-and-a-1792338071 This is a bit of a bummer.
  7. Leo604

    What Video Game(s) are you playing?

    This bundle is quite possibly the best deal of games I've ever bought. I probably won't actually get to them all (only played BF2 so far), but it's good to have that collection.
  8. Leo604

    Star Wars

    The only recently EA-published game I've seen which doesn't squeeze money through pay-to-win is Titanfall 2, which is published by EA but developed by a separate developer (Respawn). Of course EA decided to release it in the same two week span as Battlefield 1, that terrible COD game, and Skyrim SE which leads me to think they wanted it to the tank. It's a shame though, cause Titanfall 2 is probably the best overall FPS of late 2016, but it never got that chance to build a great playerbase, especially on PC. Anyways, back to Star Wars - insert witty followup here.
  9. Leo604

    Star Wars

    That's good - if anything I prefer the combat stories of the Prequels over the OT so I'll keep an eye out for that.
  10. Leo604

    Star Wars

    If they do a remake of Battlefront 2 for this year or 2018 and it has no campaign, I'm definitely not getting it. BF 2015 I only bought because it was on sale for $20 CDN on Origin a couple weeks ago.
  11. Leo604

    Star Wars

    Also this (if nobody's posted it yet):
  12. Leo604

    Star Wars

    Best Episode 8 theory I've read so far re: The Last Jedi title - http://imgur.com/gallery/kmH7B
  13. Leo604

    Emoji Movie

    Realistically that will never happen - not enough serious appeal to the Western world. Metaphorically I will have lost all hope in Hollywood if something like that happens.
  14. Leo604

    Emoji Movie

    This is one of those social trends the pop culture industry should have never been able to think up a movie for.