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About Alchemist

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    Harry Potter (for now)
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    Black Lake (2nd task)

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  1. Alchemist

    Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion

    Hello everyone! I've been lurking on these forums for a couple of years :), but the recent leak of the full Hogwarts layout and Textorix renders inspired me to create an account and share my layout of the modular castle. This layout uses all of the recent modular sets, including the First Flying Lesson, Flyffy's Encounter, Gryffindor Dorm Room, and the Grand Staircase (although it's still pretty weird). The only two modules that I failed to use are both from the First Flying Lesson - the entrance and one roof module, but you can really attach them anywhere you want (they might find a better place once I have the BOH set). I really wanted a castle that makes sense and where everything connects where it's supposed to connect. In this version, Fluffy's trap door connects to the Devil's Snare, the bathroom connects to the slide, and Lockhart's office is not separate from the DADA classroom (if you prefer, you can even add Dombledore's office on top of the library, but for me, the proportions felt off and the windows of the library/dorm room/DADA match better). I created an Imgur link with all the pictures and wrote some comments underneath each picture: The result is extremely flexible and should allow me to connect the BOH set fairly easily (I hope :D) once it releases. The pictures don't do it justice (many minifigures fell out while I was assembling and reassembling :D), but I hope this helps those struggling to find a logical layout that fits all the sets and their modules.