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About rocka5438

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Hero Factory
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    Mos Eisley

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  1. off topic but how are you finding life here in australia?
  2. not the most elegant of solutions, but what about a 1x1 bracket attached to the thrusters?
  3. what part is that on top, i might try that for looks (ive got the gyrosphere part)
  4. you could pack bricks in the front section to counter the lack of balance when it is on the tower stand alternatively, you could put technic beans inside the hanger going lengthways along the ship and have the tower clip into those to be more secure
  5. For such a small change to a massive design that already has it's own instructions, what if you let create it's own instructions from the ISD-II file (weird as they might be) or create instructions for only the replacement parts and show what they should replace on 75252? Also, welcome to Australia!
  6. Hi, these designs are great! Is there a file avaliable anywhere for the 1.4 FD turret? thanks!
  7. Don't suppose you also have good reccomendations for some 1.1455 MCs (MC75, MC80) or are those something coming down the line?
  8. Hey, if you're building this to scale with 75252, does that meant it will also scale to this similar-sized MOC? (