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    black gate

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  1. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    Sauron-mech just made my day. I'm gonna MOC one after work now for sure.
  2. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    Wait, I just reread this, are these all actually available parts?
  3. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    These look great! Middle Earth CMF lines would be so good.
  4. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    None of the theatres near me are playing it. I would have to drive 350km to go... I haven't ruled it out...
  5. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    I would sooner buy LotR mechs than brickheadz... Come to think of it, merry and Pippin riding on treebeard isn't that far off, so we kind of already have one!
  6. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    I feel like the first half or so of this list are no brainers. The second half I think you get into territory where the people on this sub would be excited, but the wider consumer audience might not be so hype (I.e. might not sell).
  7. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    Then don't. The set looks fine as is. If you are hell bent on making it taller, the modular nature means you can do this any number of ways. Buying a whole second set would be the easy but expensive approach. Using the instructions to bricklink some parts and MOC up your own section is a harder but cheaper way. But either way, that's on you for deciding that the proportions need to be different, no one has done you an injustice. Guess what, if you realllllly want it to reach 'full glory' , you need to buy at least 6 of these and make it 10 feet tall. Oh the humanity!
  8. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    I 1000% agree regarding Frodo and Sam. Should have had some new printing on them for this price point. No conceivable reason not to.
  9. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    Silmarilion content I believe is still firmly with the Tolkien estate, so no rights unfortunately. I believe the other poster is correct, that they announced two Peter Jackson movies, the first is Gollum, but I think the second one is still an unknown.
  10. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    Brick Clicker just posted a video rumoring a May 14th reveal. Dunno the source, but seems plausible.
  11. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    Yeah, seems it's much ado about nothing. The wait continues...
  12. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    I'm reading that there may have been a new leaked image, but can't find any trace of it. Has anyone seen a new leak today?
  13. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    My top 5, in order: Tom Bombadil (+Goldberry would be even sweeter but breaks your rules) Faramir Balrog bigfig Eowyn Bill the Pony
  14. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    I'm in the camp that would be totally happy with this approach. I've got no issue with mixing scales if the objective is to look good while also incorporating good play. I'd also be totally satisfied with something more like Hoth where we get just the front wall/gate with a bunch of side builds like an Oliphant, the with king and fell beast, Grind, etc. Bottom line is we need to get Gondor representation in some form eventually. Only mother thing that comes to mind is a Battle for Osgiliath style set, which could also be amazing.
  15. mtrsteve

    Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion

    Nerd of the rings did a nice brief overview of where middle earth rights sit a couple weeks ago. I figure many of you would find this interesting given how often it's coming up in the thread: