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About MikeeSouth

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    LEGO Train Tech
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    LEGO Boost

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  1. Hi! I recently bought the LEGO Boost kit for my son and he was thrilled! It was my first encounter with the Powered Up "Move Hub" and it seemed to work fine even though I had some troubles with updating the firmware. But I thought it had a weird kind of sound from the motor but I just thought that's how it sounds. In LEGO Boost there is a tutorial where you write a small little car that follow simple instructions. I found that the forward instruction didn't always move the car foward (sometimes it just turned instead). So I lifted the move hub up in the air and ran an instruction with FORWARD FORWARD FORWARD FORWARD and the A motor works flawlessly but the B motor did one of four forwards and it did it with a weird squeaky sound. I don't know much about electric motors but I always believed that it's a bad idea to spin them "manually", e.g. do not push the RC car manually. Even so, I tried spinning the wheels on the move hub manually and the A motor turns smooth and with a predictable sound but the B motor does not. It has a squeaky noise to it, it is much "tougher" to move and it also feels like it's "uneven", for a complete circle it's easier half of the time and then much tougher before I have rotated the wheel one lap. It's like a wheel that isn't completely round. So this problem was there from the start/from the factory, it did not break when we used the motor. My son is really sad about this and we waited 3 (!) months for this package because of delivery delays and replacements are out of stock. Is there any hope to repairing this or should I just send it back to the store for a replacement? I have a video of the problem and the sound, not sure if the video link works but I hope so: Video of the motor problem (18 seconds, 38 MB) I do have small screw drivers to open the screws but I don't really know how the "clips" beneath the motors work and I don't want to bend excessively since I still have warranty on this thing. Any help is appreciated!