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About Kyle84

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    21322 Pirates of Barracuda Bay

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    South Korea

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  1. Kyle84

    [DIGITAL] HMS Surprise

    Finally finished. It took a long time, but I am satisfied. Some specifications have been changed in place of parts that cannot be supplied. DSCF0055 DSCF0057 DSCF0059 DSCF0061 DSCF0063 DSCF0067 DSCF0069 DSCF0071 DSCF0073 DSCF0079 DSCF0087 DSCF0088 DSCF0041
  2. Kyle84

    [DIGITAL] HMS Surprise

    Yes I'm currently designing a sail and looking for a character head, hair and torso. Some may require stickers.
  3. Kyle84

    [DIGITAL] HMS Surprise

    I used studio 2.0. I recently bought a brick and actually assembled it. And I uploaded some of those photos to Flickr. The movie characters and sails have not been completed yet.
  4. Kyle84

    [DIGITAL] HMS Surprise

    Thank you and honor. LEGO ships only upload to Flickr. The account is Parkcoon. Thank you.
  5. Kyle84

    [DIGITAL] HMS Surprise

    First battle scene Sorry. No fire, No smoke and No sails
  6. Kyle84

    [DIGITAL] HMS Surprise

    That's a good point. Maybe I'll measure the sails after actually completing build this.
  7. Kyle84

    [DIGITAL] HMS Surprise

      Hi This is my second upload. HMS Surprise in movie "Master and Command" I published the first version on BrickLink at last February 11th . And I got some good feedback about it. Many modificatied since the first version. This is almost the final. Now i will try build actually and make the instructions.  
  8. Kyle84

    [DIGITAL] HMS Vanguard

    Thank you all. This ship is currently being upgraded. Redefining the shape, adding the interior, and modifying it according to the historical evidence.
  9. Kyle84

    [DIGITAL] HMS Vanguard

    Hello. My first upload. I created Royal Navy's 3rd rate ship of the line 'HMS Vanguard' with 'HMS Surprise'