
Eurobricks Vassals
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About BrickzAndBrezn

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Medival, Pirates, Modular Buildings
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    3in1 Castle, Blacksmith

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Germany / Bavaria
  • Interests
    cycling, photography, nature, lego and my lovely wife and son


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  1. OMG. They look fantastic. Really like the originals! Awesome work!
  2. BrickzAndBrezn

    [MOC] Bay of Lost Treasures

    I love it! When my son is a bit older I hope he still likes pirates, then I want to build a pirate town for his room too. Wondering how the orange roof is done.
  3. BrickzAndBrezn

    Witch's Windship remake

    Wow super cool remake. Like it more then the original. If the Fright Knights will return, this set has to be made. But why Hubble Bubble became a men? This is not acceptable. ;)
  4. BrickzAndBrezn

    [MOC] Old Town Tower

    Very nice model. I especially like the orange roof and the passage under the tower. Such passages somehow always make a building more interesting. And with the rear view of the building, the passage did not promise too much. Congrats, you have captured the Italian flair very well!
  5. BrickzAndBrezn

    Markets of Black Knight's Square

    Ah finally I know where to buy silver frogs. But don't worry, I will keep this information secret.
  6. BrickzAndBrezn

    Countess of Dis

    What a fascinating transformation. Will we soon get a glimpse of the not-so-civilized parts of hell from you?
  7. BrickzAndBrezn

    [MOC] "The Lord of the Rings" skylines

    Super cool. I love them all three! Let's cross finger for new LOTR sets. Would be a shame if Lego doesn't bring some.
  8. BrickzAndBrezn

    Legal to use a logo in licensed Lego Ideas Project?

    Thank you toastergrl for the enlightening reply. It's not that I didn't try to find the right place for my question but obviously not well enough. However, the post is now outdated anyway, since I have already submitted my design. The Ideas team didn't complain about the logo in the description, but I encountered another problem. But that is another topic. If I would advertise my project here I think I have found the right place. However, this one seems to be quite inactive (last post almost a month old) and if it is not good manners to post his project here itself, I will also just skip idea.
  9. Hi, I am preparing the submission for my first Lego Ideas Project and a question came up: My project is an IP project (Disney) and I was wondering if I can use the title as the original logo from the movie poster in the description (as a jpeg). Unfortunately I have not found a reference. Possibly because it is not allowed?! I don't want to disqualify my project because of that, or extend the release, but it would be nice if I could use it. I hope you can help me quickly and if my thread is wrong here, may a friendly moderator please move it.
  10. BrickzAndBrezn

    Hello, my nickname is Zhokker

    Hi Zhokker, I was never into Bionicle (probably wrong generation) but your Masks are incredible. Awesome how you included different influences from some cinematics. In times of 3D printers, this topic gets completely new possibilities. Keep up the great work!
  11. BrickzAndBrezn

    Howdy ...

    I am BrickzAndBrezn from the beautiful Bavaria/Germany. After more than 20 years in the Dark Ages I came back to our common passion because of my son. As usual with me, the hobby escalated quickly and I have accumulated a not considerable brick stock. :D Since I also very much like to build my own creations, obviously there was no way to avoid your forum. Now it's time to become a real Eurobricksmember! I do not have my own site but I was already a little fruitless active on some Lego Ideas Contests. Right now I'm working on my first real IDEAS Project which I plan to submit in a week. It would be nice if I could present this here as well. Is there a special section for it? Greetings Hagen