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About scooterlord

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  1. MAB, you are probably right - It's more sorting than storing. It's a little bit of both though, but with more emphasis on sorting. It's not that I am luring in forums all day, but I had never encountered a similar technique where I browse, so I thought it would be a good idea to share. Saves tons of time, the re-modeling of the set is a breeze. 1963Maniac - these are tips for a specific set. Obviously, if you have pieces in bulk or a lot of sets altogether you must have a dedicated space for all these. Imagine to have to get 20 compartment boxes to build a set (eg one with axles, one with cogs, etc). Considering the practical side of things - you need a big table, etc. I'd love to have my own personal space of my 'man stuff' (haha) but unfortunately this is not an option :/
  2. First of all, I saw the first thread about storage, but thought this deserved its own space! Hello everyone - newcomer to the forum! After an absence of almost 20 years I am back to legos, using my son as an excuse (I am 39, son is 4). So, I started (again) with te 42082 set - which most of you know is 4050 pieces. It was not big enough for my appetite, but I was unprepared for storing - not enough space, and didn't think it would be a good idea to invest in storage space just yet with one set. 4050 pieces can keep you very occupied when looking for the pieces if you are unprepared - I was! - so after a couple of times I did the set, I came up with small tips I thought I'd share - and now here I am. Unfortunately I am not allowed to upload more photos, so link with a couple of images is here: So, here are the tips - I am using two large containers (bowl and green ikea container, a flexible compartment box (I have it split at 22 compartments), and 3 small plastic containers. - First of all, using the small black connectors or the double blue connectors (don't know if these have specific names, sorry!) I connect all the colored bricks with holes as shown in the left of the image above, creating in essence - larger bricks. This way you can find a lot easier what you are looking for without the need to keep searching in a box with same colors. - As seen above, I keep blue,yellow and orange pieces in the same box - easy to distinguish, never had a problem finding what I need. - I have a separate box for all the smaller red parts -connectors, etc - EXCEPT the ones that occupy to much space and look confusing, like the ones that have a cross on the side and one-or-two holes which I keep separately. - In some compartments of the box, I keep same shape different color pieces - as seen below on the right. - Also in the middle container (split in 3 parts) I keep the beige pieces and on the left compartment, I keep all these really rare pieces of the set - Once I was looking for a single piece for half an hour. - Using the grey rods and a single black connector for each 'row' I connect pieces like the ones below into larger bricks: - In the green box, I keep everything I don't have enough space for but are easy to find. Well, that's it! I hope it helps someone out! Looking forward to your thoughts!