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About ExoRaider

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Bionicle, but I also like Alpha Team and Rock Raiders and a lot of the other Lego themes
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    I tried reassembling my old Sarlacc Pit but I'm missing some pieces :(((

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    Looking for lost media, adventure games, level design, comics


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  1. For the two people here who still care about Exo-Force: Recently I was rereading all the comics as part of a nostalgia binge, and now that I'm an adult I was able to pick up on a lot of the foreshadowing a lot better, which has allowed me to come up with this theory for how the story would have continued and inevitably ended. Obviously the series wasn't ever actually continued and this is all pure fanfiction. Still, it's nice to dream. Let's start with what we know. In the last chapter, Jungle Mission, it was revealed that Sensei Keikan was the one who built Meca One at a hidden outpost near the Golden City. In Chapter 23, it's revealed that the Sensei has a dark secret he refuses to share with anyone because they may never forgive him. We know that Meca One is extracting knowledge from the Sensei's brain, which is referenced in Chapter 16 as a process that may either result in death or crippling psychological damage depending on your interpretation. We also know that the location of the Golden City outpost is unknown to both the robots and the Exo-Force team. Using all of that information, here is my speculative continuation story: The Exo-Force arrive at the base where Sensei Keikan is being held just as Meca One is able to extract the location of the Golden City Outpost from his mind. As the base is destroyed in battle, Meca One reveals to them that Sensei Keikan was the one who built him and gave him the free will necessary to start the robot uprising. They're able to rescue the Sensei just as the base collapses, but Meca One escapes through another one of his copies and takes his robot army to the Golden City Outpost with one goal in mind: amass an army of independently operating robots identical to himself. These Meca robots differ from the copies by being their own unique individuals with each one having the power and independence to start their own robot uprising. Meanwhile, the trauma caused by the mind extracting process has put the Sensei in a coma and he is forced to spend the rest of this arc in a golden city variation on the regeneration station seen in Chapter 23, with Hitomi once again taking command in his place. During this time we get to see a series of flashbacks depicting the cruel treatment that the robots would receive from their human superiors in the mines, and a young Sensei Keikan, feeling that his robots have the potential to be more than just tools, deciding to reprogram Meca One to give him free will and the capacity to make decision on his own, followed by the horror as he realizes the consequences of his actions. The flashbacks end with the mountain splitting in two and Sensei Keikan coming up with initial concepts for the Grand Titan and Stealth Hunter. A lot of drama ensues between Takashi and Hikaru as they argue over whether or not they should tell Hitomi the truth. Back at Keikan's lab in the Golden City Outpost, Meca One is having a hard time getting along with his fellow golden robots, who are prone to acting against his orders. One of them [let's call him Meca Two] gathers some Iron Drones and launches an attack on the Golden City himself, during which he gets captured and the Exo-Force read the database of his mech to find the Golden City Outpost. Eventually, Ha-Ya-To is the one who tells Hitomi about her father's actions, she takes it surprisingly well and reveals that she had already suspected something was up, and is finally able to step into her role as new leader of the Exo-Force. Together, the five of them invade Keikan's lab and fight the golden robot army, and because the Meca bots can't work together the Exo-Force defeats them through sheer teamwork, destroying the lab in the process. The surviving Iron Drones and Devastators arrive at the Golden City and reveal that they have become sick of Meca One's cruel leadership and wish to reunite with the humans. Sensei Keikan awakens from his coma and feels ashamed for his actions, but Takashi, Hikaru, Ha-Ya-To, Ryu, Hitomi, and everyone in the Golden City throw him a giant welcome back party to show their forgiveness. There's food and dancing and music and we all get to see our favorite characters acting goofy and stuff as usual, and now having an alliance with the robots, a new era of peace has come! Or has it? ... You may have noticed that I left some mysteries unsolved. Who were the ancient beings that created the Golden City? How were they able to create such advanced technology? And what is the state of the world outside of Sentai Mountain? All of these questions could be answered in future arcs, but there honestly isn't enough information for me to form a theory on any of that without pulling some massive leaps in logic. I should also note that I'm going purely on the story of the web comic, and I know the Greg Farshtey books tell a slightly different story. Unfortunately, the last two books in the series were never published and I can't find a lot of information on them. Perhaps they would have provided me with more information. Anyway, that's my theory. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think, or if you have your own theories on how the story would have continued.
  2. I remember this old Lego Batman short cg animated movie I saw somewhere, probably DC Hero Zone or something like that but it definitely wasn't on Lego.com, my best guess as to the title was "How to Build the Perfect Bat-Trap". The idea behind it was that the villains (Joker, Two-Face, Penguin) kidnapped Commissioner Gordon to lure Batman into a trap, and I guess Batman and Robin had to chase Catwoman to get a clue to where he was? Idk I could be remembering it wrong. I remember that even when it was still up on the internet somewhere I had trouble finding it. I mainly remember it from Commissioner Gordon having this really weird narration over the entire thing, which was really weird to me back then since Lego people didn't normally have voices back then (besides "Hey!" and a few other exceptions), there was also a fight between Two-Face and Robin in the Hall of Mirrors which I always thought was really cool, but besides that I don't remember much about it. Of course it's impossible to find now since everything that comes up when you google Lego Batman is either related to the movie, the three video games, or one of the various fan animations that have existed basically ever since the theme itself. That's a big part of why I find this particular short so interesting. It exists in this weird kinda place where Lego Batman was a lot more serious and grounded than it is now, but not quite as weird and twisted as it was during its inception and the first few trailers. Does anyone else remember this hidden animated short? And what do you think of the pre-Lego Movie Batman? Let me know In the comments down below ? (or don't, that's fine too i guess)
  3. ExoRaider

    Anyone wanna see a LEGO Island 4?

    Something akin to animal crossing would be cool, where you just walk around and talk to people and go on random quests. I think a game like Lego Island could really benefit from modern technology and online support, though I doubt it will happen since Lego seems to have abandoned the Lego Island IP and Traveler's Tales seems content on making sandbox games based on licensed properties. Still, it's nice to dream.
  4. ExoRaider

    Help Remembering an Old Lego.com Game

    Hm. My best guess is LEGO 4x4 Extreme Rally for the online and customizable cars, though the online doesn't work for that one anymore so it's hard to say. The Lego World Racers game also has a mode where the cars accelerate by themselves so the player can focus on the combat, but that one doesn't have online support from what I can tell. Both the Drome Racer games appear to be basic racing games without any of the details you mentioned. There are a few other racing-related games I can't seem to find any info on, so it could be one of those too but honestly I doubt it.So yeah, hopefully this helps. If I find anything else I'll be sure to let you know :)