
Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Piraten

  1. Piraten

    [OFFICIAL] 10320 Eldorado Fortress - Available NOW

    Sure. next door is like 30 mins... :) but going next on the 18 to set up my project for display
  2. Piraten

    [ENTRY] Sloop Windy (Mini Set)

    Way to go matie !!
  3. Piraten


    Main building Category Saber Island 2023 by TomSkippy Sin Island by Maroon Marin Skull Island by Glowboy Armada Sentry Remake by Brickshipyard Mini Set Building Category Sloop Windy Marooned Marin Shark Cart by TomSkippy King Kahuka's Outrigger Boat by kritch River Soldiers by Rouge Redcoat
  4. Piraten

    [CONTEST] Creative Critic Registrations

    Yeah.. But need more than 24 hours at the moment to do that.
  5. Piraten

    [OFFICIAL] 10320 Eldorado Fortress - Available NOW

    We must make one by our self. I'm so ready for the 4th July. will pick one up when the stores open. :) Any maybe should I make a live build in the evening :)
  6. Piraten

    [OFFICIAL] 10320 Eldorado Fortress - Available NOW

    So.. 10 pages..... Before this release everbody screamed for more pirate sets... And now 10 pages off a lot of different opinions... Please just lets us enjoy that there is a new set and buy two each on release so LEGO can see that we want pirate sets..... The only thing I hate is... There is no new pi054 figure... I have seen a new edition back in march 2020.. And there is only 25 made of that minifig... Would have loved one....
  7. Piraten

    [MOC] Interrogation room

    Looks good !! I had a church in one of my first pirate builds :)
  8. Piraten

    [MOC] The Fortress V.2.0

  9. Piraten

    [MOC] The Fortress V.2.0

    Hi Pirates. Made an update for the Fortress for the Skaerbaek Fan Weekend 2022 and finally.. Photos in proper quality !!! More photos will follow.
  10. This is a bit scary... All the small captains and one giant... Could be a thing in a horror pirate movie.
  11. Piraten

    10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About LEGO Pirates

    Sorry. But that's not correct. The soldiers are based on the danish royal guards that have both a blue and red uniform. I have not read all the comments. But here are some things. But the skeleton flag was to scary for kids in Gotfreds opinion. The skeleton was not released before 10 after it was developed. And it was on demand from Gotfred that it must have loose arms so it not was able to attack anyone with The sails in white and red on 6285 and white and blue on 6274 is known as danish and swedish colours and was made that way to tease the swedes. And the sails are actually made in Sweden. Niels is out af a family of sailors. All the promotion pictures and box art for the first line in the pirates series was produced in London. Niels Milan did himself with a photostudio in London. The first octopus has a small dent on one of the arms. Because of the clay model was damaged. Took some time before the mold was changed. It took 82 different examples of the raised baseplate before it was made in the shape we know today. I could call Niels and ask him for more. Anyone that could share the pages from blocks.
  12. So happy to see this :) Enjoy :)
  13. Here are some pictures from our Easter building, which is now in LEGO House until 23/4. The build is a collaboration between Karina Wagner and myself. The deadline was short and we didn't have anything ready in advance, but we quickly got an idea and made a sketch. LEGO House approved the idea and we started building. This is the true story of where Easter eggs come from. Everyone knows that hares do not lay eggs - The eggs are dug out by workers underground, after which they are ground and hoisted to the surface. From here, the little hares make sure to hide them to the best of their ability. See more photos on Flickr https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAxMSA
  14. Piraten

    New Rumored Pirate Set in July 2023

    Just a box.. Its art.....
  15. Piraten

    New Rumored Pirate Set in July 2023

    We will make you proud.
  16. Piraten

    New Rumored Pirate Set in July 2023

    I will start with a protest outside the HQ.. A big sign with demands. And if the demands are not met. Then I will storm the HQ.. If I die in battle I want to donate all my pirate Lego to the community.
  17. It's the only two events planned.. And as the employees at LH tells it will only be in Lego House they are sold. The Dino is sold in UK due to overproduction of the set.
  18. Is it online ? Yeah but he is really old fashioned. And he have no lego in his home.
  19. Then he learned more than when I talked to him first time.
  20. How.. He don't do the internet that much :)
  21. https://www.instagram.com/piraten_moc/?hl=da
  22. Yes if we can I will for sure . Niels Milan will be there will ask him to say hi to all the fans :)