
Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by TuxTown

  1. I'm experimenting with BAP. Not sure whether besides the Wedo 2.0 distance sensor (works perfect) the normal BOOST distance plus color sensor are also supported? I get at the moment: Hub HUB NO.4 is connected! Port Connected: B of type BOOST_DISTANCE HUB NO.4 lost bluetooth connection HUB NO.4 lost bluetooth connection HUB NO.4 lost bluetooth connection HUB NO.4 lost bluetooth connection HUB NO.4 lost bluetooth connection HUB NO.4 lost bluetooth connection New device found - Mac Address 90842B1012B6 Exception while connecting Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task) at LegoTrainProject.MainBoard.<TryToConnect>d__18.MoveNext() in C:\Users\Cosmik\Dropbox (Lucky Duck Games)\Private\LuckyDuck\The Lego Project\Source\LTP.Desktop\Main UI\MainBoard.cs:line 186 New device found - Mac Address 90842B1012B6 Error opening communication:Unreachable New device found - Mac Address 90842B1012B6 Not sure if its related to those boost version of the sensor. I' ve also got issues with a WeDo Hub endlessly trying to reconnect hanging the program. The author hasn't been seen on this forum for months, is it? I've already upgraded my hubs. I'll try another laptop now.
  2. TuxTown

    TrixBrix gear / automation

    TrixBrix has an automation set for operating lego switches: https://www.trixbrix.eu/en_US/p/4-Switch-Combo-for-Trixbrix-Switches/154 Can those switch motors and train detectors be operated from normal HUBs? Or SBricks or something similar? I'm looking for gear and how to automate it (Scratch / BAP / Arduino / things like that). It's not that easy to find good overviews or descriptions about automation in general. In the BrixBrix case, their website doesn't mention the subject.
  3. Anyone knowing whether this Fx Track system is still expected to arrive the coming months? I'm new here. I have 3 PF trains and 1 PUP train. I'm reading/googling about ways to automate things and looking at SBrick plus, Lego WeDo, the Brick Automation Project, etc. (Is cosmic42 still around? He seems silent for a few months already). Now I've read this thread about the upcoming Fx track system and don't know what to anticipate. Not having to change batteries every few hours seems to be a big plus, as is having power all around. However I also want to oparate several trains on the same track at the same time, for which bluetooth seems to be the most flexable way. It would be nice if someone has a bit more info on what kind of solutions Fx Bricks is planning to to bring at which moment. Don't they have someone around on this forum?