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About JochemvdMeulen

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  1. JochemvdMeulen

    HA Bricks in Legal Troubles

    Or you sand of all the Lego markings.
  2. JochemvdMeulen

    HA Bricks in Legal Troubles

    I have read the verdict and if I understood it correctly: You cant sell modified or printed bricks marked with the Lego trademark. (As in Lego marks all there bricks with their trade mark on the studs) As this "damages" the structural integrity of the bricks. And this could damage de reputation of de LEGO trademark.
  3. JochemvdMeulen

    Fx Bricks (Michael Gale) announces Fx Track system

    If I remember correctly DCC was also a part of the Fx Track System. So does this power station also support DCC? Or wil there be a separate DCC power station? or are the plans for DCC shelved?
  4. JochemvdMeulen

    BrickTracks: different curves, PF/9V compatible

    I think that could cause problems with wear
  5. JochemvdMeulen

    BrickTracks: different curves, PF/9V compatible

    It has been a while. Are there any updates?
  6. JochemvdMeulen

    BrickTracks: different curves, PF/9V compatible

    I thought that the Bricktracks product where product in the USA. Not that I have a problem with products produced in Asia. I don't even live in the USA.
  7. JochemvdMeulen

    MOC: Flying Scotsman (with free instructions)

    I hope that the instructions are coming back, this locomotive looks great