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About derf

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    star wars
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    star wars MILLENIUM FALCON

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    LEGO §.6°


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  1. derf

    U-Project - Where to buy?

    Hi all First sorry for my english, it is not my native langage. I plan to sell u wing instructions and all parts for the build except minifigs. Please send me an email to if you are interested. Thanks Fred
  2. derf

    [MOC] UT-60D U-Wing - SB00101 UCS

    Hi all First sorry for my english, it is not my native langage. I plan to sell u wing instructions and all parts for the build except minifigs. Please send me an email to of you are interested. Thanks Fred
  3. derf

    SB00301 B-PROJECT (MOC Resistance Bomber UCS)

    I think between 100 and 150 €
  4. derf

    SB00201 TS-PROJECT (MOC Tie Silencer UCS)

    hi all same thing for me, looking for the instructions. lest me know in PM please. thx
  5. derf

    SB00301 B-PROJECT (MOC Resistance Bomber UCS)

    hi mirko Due to the fact b-project instructions is late, do you plan to postpone the TR-project too ? I thinh you can't work on the two instructions at the same time. thx
  6. derf

    SB00201 TS-PROJECT (MOC Tie Silencer UCS)

    Hi mirko first congratulations for your job ! models are awesome! I have an issue to order instructions on your web site: it seems button "send email" doesn't work......could you tell me how I can buy these instructions? thanks (sorry for my english, it is not my native language:-)