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  1. Mini LEGO

    Tank troop combiner mech

    Tank Brothers - mini tank troop. It is made of 2 Short Range Tanks, 2 Long Range Tanks, 1 Spy Drone and 1 Commander Tank. These 6 tanks can combine into a big combat robot to defeat more powerful enemies.
  2. Navy Cannon Transformer Mech. This is a multiple transformer which can transform into multiple forms (Cannon combat car, human type robot, antitank gun and so on).
  3. LEGO Fighter jet transformer mech - similar with vf 1 valkyrie It looks like the Zeta gundam also. :)
  4. Mini size Combiner Transformer Robot. I think if I try to build full version combiner mech (6 vehichles), it would be too big one and need to many bricks. So I built this combiner made with just 3 heavy vehicles.
  5. Mini LEGO

    Micro sized Dragon transformer

    Micro sized Dragon transformer
  6. Gun Turret Transformer Robot (similar with Overwatch Torbjörn Turret)
  7. It is a transformer robot which can turns into scorpion-shaped robot mode.
  8. I tried to build a combiner robot which doesn't include 1x1 handles (26047), 1x1 clips (15712) and 1x1 brackets(36840, 36841) this time.
  9. I tried to build a transformer vehicle which doesn't include 1x1 handles (26047), 1x1 clips (15712) and 1x1 brackets (36840, 36841)this time. This LEGO MOC contains 19 LEGO lots and 48 total LEGO parts. Transformation stop motion animation : 00:41
  10. This mini robot can transform into a big fighter jet. The fighter jet is half as big again as the its robot mode. It has 4 cannons on his arms and legs. The cannons' color is gray. So, that's why it's called 'Gray cannon'. in this video you can also see how I take a film for a stop motion transformation scene.