Miss Feklista

Eurobricks Vassals
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About Miss Feklista

  • Birthday 05/25/1992

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    Harry Potter

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    Harry Potter
    Sherlock Holmes
    Spider Man 1-3 & TASM 1-2
    Half Life 2 Universe

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  1. Miss Feklista

    Magical World in LEGO: Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Films

    Haha thank you! I made it before the release of CMF. It seems to me that the official minifigure looks too serious for such a positive character as Jacob. However, I like his costume. :-)
  2. Miss Feklista

    Magical World in LEGO: Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Films

    Thank you very much for your kind words and attention to this topic. I appreciate it a lot.
  3. Miss Feklista

    Magical World in LEGO: Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Films

    Yes, Newt's eyebrows from the new set and the CMF look too light and the smile changed a lot. I absolutely agree with Len and You! Thank you very much! :) I'm very glad you like our fantastic beasts! What is your opinion about Jacob minifigure?
  4. Miss Feklista

    Magical World in LEGO: Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Films

    I'm SO glad you like my creatures! :-D Thank you very much! Yes, I absolutely agree with you, Newt's face from Lego Dimensions looks much more realistic.
  5. Miss Feklista

    Magical World in LEGO: Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Films

    Do you remember this moment? :-) 11 by ☺ ☼, on Flickr
  6. Miss Feklista

    Magical World in LEGO: Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Films

    Yes, I used clay for my Niffler. :) Thank you very much for your nice comment!
  7. Miss Feklista

    Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion

    Of course, I supposed all the teachers from all the school years. :) I named two of them just because they brought the most interesting decorations in this classroom. Quirrell only had bats and iguana :-) . But we could make all the teachers' decorations ourselves if we had this set. I agree. :) The second part of the castle (with the whomping willow) is rather simple so we even can add the small classroms ourselves.
  8. Miss Feklista

    Magical World in LEGO: Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Films

    Thank you very much, you are very kind! I made this Queenie minifigure last year and I won't change her face because I like it too. :-) Yes, I got all new CMF and plan to use new Queenie's hair for my minifig.
  9. Miss Feklista

    Magical World in LEGO: Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Films

    Welcome to Goldstein sisters' house! Magic lives here. Join in, share your magical MOCs! 1 by ☺ ☼, on Flickr 4 by ☺ ☼, on Flickr
  10. Miss Feklista

    Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion

    In my opinion, the Dark Arts Class would be an excellent set for every Harry's school year: imagine the lesson with Lupin and different versions of boggart, new wardrobe... alongside with Lochart and his great portrait ;-) We can "create" the new sets again and again.
  11. Miss Feklista

    Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion

    I thought about the same when I collected all the minifigures: all these wands are enough for the big Wand Shop and now we need many LEGO "boxes" for them...
  12. Miss Feklista

    Magical World in LEGO: Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Films

    Thank you very much! Hope people will come in order to join in and share their great magical MOCs like yours. ;) I looked at your work and really enjoyed it! It's very nice of you, thanks a lot! :) Glad you like the details)
  13. Miss Feklista

    Magical World in LEGO: Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Films

    Sounds great! It would be so interesting to see your Hogwarts and all your inventions for the Wizarding world! Why don't you have possibility to post the photos here? Thank you for your comment!
  14. Miss Feklista

    Magical World in LEGO: Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Films

    Huge thanks for your kind comment (from the niffler and me) ! :-) The second scene is taken from the third movie: here Harry sees Sirius in Professor Trelawney's crystal ball. :) P.S. We are from the same country and almost from the same Hogwarts House: I like both Slytherin and Gryffindor. :) Nice to meet you! Thank you so much for your kind words! I appreciate it a lot! :-D