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About LegoLord54

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    Lego lord of the rings

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  1. LegoLord54

    Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion

    I don’t think that we will get a 2nd set. The best we can probably hope for would be a minifigure/accessory pack for the movie but even this is probably unlikely.
  2. Anyone have any news on what the retail prices will be of the winter wave in the UK?
  3. Anyone know the UK prices for this wave yet, or not?
  4. LegoLord54

    Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion

    Has it been confirmed that we definitely aren’t getting a Wizarding World CMF for 2018?
  5. LegoLord54

    Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion

    That would indeed make a lot of sense as a d2c to go with the cmf series if that turns out be true.
  6. Is there any chance of there being more sets on the way (possibly store Exclusives) for this winter wave because last year the first order AT-ST and the cantina sets were late reveals I wonder if this could possibly happen again?
  7. 2016? I thought it was 2014
  8. LegoLord54

    Harry Potter 2018 - Rumors & Discussion

    What does 2HY stand for again
  9. LegoLord54

    Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion

    I came across the Spider-Man sets UK Prices on 76133- Car chase- £8.99 76113- bike chase- £19.99 76134- Doc Ock diamond heist- £24.99 10893- Duplo Spider-Man vs Electro- £17.99 76114- Spider-Mans spider crawler- £34.99 76115- Spider Mech vs Venom- £44.99 I am not sure if this info is already out there but this is the first I have heard of it.
  10. LegoLord54

    Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion

    It should come up on YouTube if you search Lego captain Marvel then filter by upload date (was from a few days ago)
  11. LegoLord54

    Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion

    Does anyone think it could be a legit leak?
  12. LegoLord54

    Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion

    There is a somewhat Plausible Captain Marvel Nick Furry that could have leaked on YouTube
  13. Has anyone else noticed that it looks like chewie is in the AT-AP from the images and it also looks like they Switched Tarffuls to being in the Droid Gunship instead. This could just be a mistake from TLG though.
  14. The build for the Praetorian bp has intrigued me. Its almost if it looks like it should connect to the actual throne room possibly one on each side of the build, so you could extend the scene and have all 8 guards, but the Snokes throne room Playset gives no indication that it can connect to another set so I find this unlikely.
  15. LegoLord54

    Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion

    I think it’s really good except the pieces withthe ears attached does not go well with the head of the minifigure at all.