
Eurobricks Citizen
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About Venefic

  • Birthday December 12

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    Creator Expert
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    LEGO Movie 2 Party Bus

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    I like all LEGO themes but tend to stay away from Friends, NEXO Knights and Star Wars. I do enjoy the Classic and Creator range.


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  1. Wow a very lovely build. I like all of it!
  2. Venefic

    Raffle: A Nuisance in Newbury

    The front of a house that is more sinister than it appears. It includes turntables and interchangeable gardens which allow easy switches of scenes.
  3. Venefic


    I hope they don't waste parts creating a water floor similar to that of the Ninjago Docks or City. I'd be happy with a small ring going around the island of blue pieces. It'll definitely be a grand piece.
  4. Venefic

    LEGO Ideas Discussion

    Yes I just checked for you it's a usable IP.
  5. Venefic

    REVIEW: 60234 People Pack - Fun Fair

    Are those blue rings able to fit on the bike tyre if you take the black ones off?
  6. Venefic

    MOC: Cloud City

    Hehe, some nice colour coding there. I like it
  7. Venefic

    [MOC] Ice Explorer

    That neon orange really pops out against the white. I never grew up in the age of Ice Planet sets but based on seeing some images, this looks like a good representation.
  8. Venefic

    LEGO Ideas Discussion

    I'd say that it'll reach the 10 000 supporters in 70 days. That's quite achievable and people may be more inclined to vote since it's really close to the prerequisite.
  9. Venefic

    [MOC] Climatology Survey

    Is this on LEGO Ideas? I'd support it, like many others.
  10. I would love to have those these, especially the two on the side!
  11. The box art does show the new colour, but definitely not to this extent. There is a lot of this coral colour!
  12. Venefic

    MOC: The Moth-Mobile

    First words were wow, this is just amazing! The colours and design are just top notch.
  13. Venefic

    Starfire Bust

    Excellent use of those tube parts!
  14. I was reading the product magazine and it confirmed more sets available in May. There could be an earlier release date for other countries. No images though.
  15. I've created a ranked list which lists all the current LEGO Movie 2 sets. You can vote on your favourite one by clicking the up arrow. It'll be interesting to see what people think the best first wave of The LEGO Movie 2 sets is. The good news is for those who can't decide, you may vote on more than one set! Here's the link for you to participate - Any feedback is also greatly appreciated.