DarthFargus Customs

Eurobricks Vassals
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About DarthFargus Customs

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  • What is favorite LEGO theme? (we need this info to prevent spam)
    Military, Star Wars & Minifigure Customization
  • Which LEGO set did you recently purchase or build?
    I haven't for a long time lol

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  • Interests
    Minifigure Customization, Military Builds, Star Wars and Stop-Motion


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  1. DarthFargus Customs

    Custom Painting Minifigure Help

    For starters, try Apple Barrel acrylics. Easy to use. Then you can try hobby miniature paints such as Tamiya or Mr Colour or Citadel paints. I personally use Vallejo paints and AK Interactive, although it might be a little pricey. You should also consider sanding and priming the fig before you start painting. Once finished painting, it is advisable to seal the minifig using a clear gloss spray (Spray about 2-4 layers). This prevents the paint from chipping.
  2. DarthFargus Customs

    Clear Coating Tips

    I use Tamiya clear spray to seal my custom figs!
  3. DarthFargus Customs


  4. DarthFargus Customs


    Oh, thank you!
  5. DarthFargus Customs


    Hello fastlindyrick! Thank you for welcoming me! I specialize in painting and custom decaling of lego minifigures.
  6. DarthFargus Customs


    Thanks mate! Btw how are you familiar with my account? Just curious
  7. DarthFargus Customs

    Decal templates

    Thanks! Sorry kinda new here Here is my introduction to everyone: https://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/160593-greetings/&tab=comments#comment-2948825 Have a great day!
  8. DarthFargus Customs

    Decal templates

  9. DarthFargus Customs

    Decal templates

    Hi! Does anyone any on know where to find accurate decal templates for torso, legs and arms? I would be really cool if it is already scaled to minifigure size. That would save me alot of time. Thanks! Aaron
  10. DarthFargus Customs


    Hello! My name is DarthFargus Customs, otherwise known as aaroning on Flickr. Although I had already joined this community last year, I am only now beginning to post. I am best known for my customization of Minifigures back on Flickr. I am also known for making Lego stop-motions, otherwise known as brickfilms, which I post on my Youtube channel, known as DarthFargus Productions (as of 9 April 2018, my Youtube channel is unaccessable. I will try my best to get it back online). I mainly focus on military builds and minifigure customization, and I am especially addicted to Modern Warfare and World War II, although I do occasionally do some Star Wars or other themes. I have plans of making my own custom shop to sell my custom figures and the opening of the shop would probably come in early June 2018. (the date is TBC) That's all for now Hope I have an enjoyable time in this community! Aaron Please feel free to follow me on Flickr for constant updates! Link to my Flickr account: https://www.flickr.com/photos/140631834@N04/