
Eurobricks Vassals
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About FabuFabu

  • Birthday 06/10/1976

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  1. I'm sorry, but the Cyclops is not a medieval monster! It's more more more ancient ;) The Cyclop was one of the sons of Poseidon and it is part of the legend of Ulysses. It's just Greek, no Roman, and for sure no Medieval :) Medieval times were just part of mid/northern Europe (Germany, France, Spain, UK, Italy etc) You should correct this information, this is a time-error of over 1000 years... Same for Giulio Cesare ;)
  2. FabuFabu

    MOC: Lionel Lion's Classic Car

    Very very nice :)
  3. FabuFabu

    Zoo!? Is it true?

    Well, it's sad for me to discover that Zoo Lego is not a true news. Anyway, there is another way to have wild animals like lions, tigers, hippos, giraffe... a Veterinary/Adventure/Safari sub-theme! Like the Playmobil from the 80's... remember? They could do a lot of sets, with minifigs adventurer and veterinary medics, helping wild animals from bad hunters and cure them from wounds :) In this way, we could have a lot of animals... i wonder why Lego never think about it.
  4. FabuFabu

    Zoo!? Is it true?

    Hello, i just read on Wikipedia that a Lego Zoo is scheduled for 2012. Is it true? Do you know something about this?
  5. FabuFabu

    I found those sets...

    Yes it helps, thank you very much
  6. Hello guys, 2 weeks ago i found those three sets: do you know if they are rare? What could be the value for those? I can't decide if i have to keep them or sell them. I wait for your advices, thank you so much!
  7. FabuFabu

    There are "strange" elements in your Town?

    i will share them as soon as possible :) For the moment, nothing is finished :)
  8. FabuFabu

    MOC Museum

    WOW! This is fantastic!
  9. FabuFabu

    There are "strange" elements in your Town?

    Burghy was a famous fast-food hamburger restaurant here in Italy. From 1984 to 1996. Then McDonald buy all the 96 restaurants in the whole country, so Burghy ends his life. Many people miss Burghy because was a lot better then McDonald, i'm one of this people ;) And Grazzini was a little franchise-toy shop here in north Italy. I know about 4 different shops, but maybe there was more, i don't know. It was similar to Toys'r Us :) As you can imagine, i really miss those places, im very nostalgic about the 80's!
  10. FabuFabu

    Where i can find MANY bricks?

    I'm sorry, i didn't know about this rule. I don't write as a cellphone, you don't need to be so angry or aggressive. I'm an adult person and in those days i always been kind and educated. If there is something to correct in me, you just have to ask kindly, and wait until i understand the rules. And for my english, i'm sorry but i'm not english, or american or australian, so my english is not perfect.
  11. dicevo, sono stato a fontanellato è davvero stupendo! ho visitato tutti i castelli della zona :) io e la mia fidanzata abbiamo amici in zona e veniamo spesso da quelle parti a farci delle belle mangiate ^_^ vivi davvero in un posto meraviglioso, ti invidio!

  12. ciao :) conosco già it lug, ma ho visto che c'è da fare tutta una iscrizione complicata da mandare addirittura via fax... non amo le cose così complesse! se l'andazzo è così formale, preferisco evitare, ma ti confesso che mi dispiace, perchè avevo piacere di conoscere qualche fan italico :) se esiste un modo più diretto fammi sapere! la mia mail è nijimail@gmail.com


  13. quando vuoi venire a salutare gli italiani cerca itlug su google

  14. FabuFabu

    REVIEW: 2064 Air Ambulance

    Fantastic piece!!! But i cannot find it on ebay :(
  15. FabuFabu

    There are "strange" elements in your Town?

    ahahhahahaha :) thanks for your words! I hope you will like my works :) Actually im still not ready as i miss many of the bricks i need to create all... but one day... one day ;)