
Eurobricks Citizen
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About nitrofurano

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    typography, data visualization, resource-based economy, game development, etc.


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  1. be welcome taking a look at this one - - get the instructions, improve it, and please share it back here! ;) 560 - Townhouse with Garden [1978] errors: none (please help verifying) (i can't remember if this model is repeated here in this forum)
  2. thanks! (i'm getting old, i guess! :D )
  3. 555 - Hospital [1976] errors: missing stickers (please help verifying)
  4. 369 - Coastguard Station [1976] errors: none (please help verifying)
  5. thanks! :) 396 - Thatcher Perkins Locomotive [1976] errors: some wrong and missing bricks (please help verifying)
  6. a question: how are the .dat files from ldraw official and unofficial repositories made and maintained? i'm asking this after seeing that the maxifig hats and etc. are still missing after 3 years waiting... how can we help there?
  7. @Reuben, perhaps you might want to be yourself creating the digital model and help us, sharing them here when done? these .ldr files below were created from Leocad ( menu: file: import: set inventory) - now you just need to put the pieces in their correct places following the instructions! ;) 42098.ldr: 42079.ldr:
  8. you mean these ones? (please be more specific because lego manufactured different model boxes with the same index number... :S )
  9. a sneak peek of the "221 - Ideabook 1 [1973]" - - it's over 85% done... - 9 models still incomplete a question: has anyone a good scan of the cover (like 300dpi seems more than enough - or at least, better than this: ), that we could follow the whole instruction of the last model there, from just that part? (the only that is missing inside the book) another question: when ready, should this entry be stored in 65 ldr files with their screenshots, just one ldr and its screenshot with everything, or both? i guess ideabooks are special cases, they were on sale alone without bricks (just like a magazine), but the models there are quite interesting (at least in my very humble opinion) or perhaps ideabooks should be in another thread?
  10. 365 - Wild West Scene [1975] errors: missing stickers (please help verifying)
  11. or i didn't know that, or i forgot it totally - since around 3 years ago i'm not editing lego models - and thanks! :)
  12. 6371 - Service Station [1983] errors: wrong faceplate (unknown item id?), missing motorcycle body (x81.dat doesn't exist yet?), using fixed hinge (3149C01.dat), missing fuel hoses (please help verifying)
  13. downloading them! thanks! :) and thanks for all info! :)
  14. perhaps we need to know where are these missing .dat online, and add them at /usr/share/ldraw/parts/ ? i guess it seems enough? so we actually need to download them, they are not official yet, that's why...
  15. updated the ldr file and screenshot i think i don't have the yellow vest (3840d09.dat) in the library, just like those turbine fans... :S