
Eurobricks Vassals
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About AntocMerrick

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  1. AntocMerrick

    Brick-built Corellian corvette bridge suggestions?

    Hello there! I remember seeing your corvette and being amazed at how marvellous it looked. I tried to take your cockpit as a base, but I started making the ship in fall of 2016, when I was kinda unexperienced with complex builds, so I tried to make the design as simple as possible while trying to make the overall shape authentic. The ship doesn't look perfect since it consists of many different colors aside from the main ones, which I am eager to fix. I'll post pics of mine shortly, though I'm not sure I'll be able to achieve the shape you did since I don't have that many pieces. Anyway, a big thank you for replying!
  2. Hi all! Some time ago I built my version of a Corellian corvette that was based on the previous one that got released (10198). I had pieces for almost everything to be replicated , but my particular problem was replicating the cockpit. I didn't have 4x half-cone pieces, plus I dont have any reliable Lego parts sellers in my country (Ukraine). I wanted to create a brick-built one , but I cannot match it with the scale of the ship and make it sturdy enough. Do you guys have any suggestions/examples of a brick-built bridge for a corvette?
  3. AntocMerrick

    Updating Your Minifigs

    I've just started creating a Brickshelf profile :) I hope to deliver the pics soon.
  4. AntocMerrick

    Updating Your Minifigs

    I used : -Two droid arms : the straight and a curved one -A hose piece which I shortened with scissors -Two black minifigure hands Then i've cut the droid arms a bit to make them fit into the side of the hose piece and put a minifigure hand on the other side. (I'd post more pics but there seems to be a problem with it :( )
  5. AntocMerrick


    Misprints have always been a problem IMO. I've started noticing them when I was given my first Lego Star Wars set, the Clone Trooper battle pack. I've noticed that they all look in different directions which made me think they are based off different characters from the TV-Show ? I also remember getting Padme figure with her lip and mouth printings being in two different spots on her face which kind of made me dissapointed..
  6. AntocMerrick


    I've got the same actually. At first i thought it to be a normal expression, but then i've noticed it has the "angry teeth " printing, but without white colouring.
  7. AntocMerrick


    I've got a Baze Malbus figure with two angry expressions,
  8. AntocMerrick

    Updating Your Minifigs

    Not really a purist mod, but i'll post it here anyway. Recently i've got my hands on Krennic's shuttle which is superb IMO. I've also became very fond of K2-SO figure which came with the set , but it's short arms bothered me a little, so i decided to mod them Here is the final result. I think it looks way better than before (sorry for bad quality pic, i'm not that good at photographing)
  9. AntocMerrick

    LEPIN ripping off STAR WARS MOCs

    To be honest with you guys, i don't have anything against LEPIN for making knockoff sets. Some people usually don't have enough money to buy a legit LEGO set ( a couple of my good friends have been through this in their childhood and i don't think that i can call them criminals for it (as some of you state)) But borrowing the MOC designs is the real crime.. I feel sorry for @DarthTwoShedsJackson ....
  10. AntocMerrick

    Minifig Scale U-wing

    Yeah, i agree about the triangular side windows. Perhaps i could try sticking black studless pieces to the grey ones on the sides. I still have no idea how i'm gonna do it but i hope i'll find a way (i hope you too will figure out how to accomplish this ?)
  11. AntocMerrick

    Minifig Scale U-wing

    Well, i don't know if i can call it a good result, but here it is anyway.. I used the attachment method similar to the official set , plus a non-lego gray double-sided piece Sorry for the pics quality and background, i had to use an editor to resize the images ?
  12. AntocMerrick

    Minifig Scale U-wing

    Coincidence or not, but I modified mine just like you said (using transparent glass pieces) I used the bottom windscreen for canopy , which forced me to build the a new one myself given the lack of needed pieces.
  13. AntocMerrick

    Minifig Scale U-wing

    Wow, i really like your MOC! Definitely makes me want to modify mine Do you plan to post an LDD file ?
  14. AntocMerrick

    [MOCs] The Workhorse and the Racehorse of the Rebel Fleet

    Thanks !:) I didn't plan to join these forums (after being part of a Star Wars Battlefront community), but some beautiful MOC's here have changed my mind.
  15. AntocMerrick

    [MOCs] The Workhorse and the Racehorse of the Rebel Fleet

    Ahh, got it. Nothing bad though, same thing happened to me a lot of times :) I just wanted to find a way to modify my U-Wing to fit 2 pilots without diassembling it much. BTW ,your Ghost MOC inspired me to modify my set , so I have to thank you for inspiring me!