
Eurobricks Vassals
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    Star Wars

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  1. Rebel scum and YouTube have some great high res. Yes looks like everything is worth buying but the falcon - need to know more about it considering the price,
  2. This guy has a pretty good summary
  3. Aswitcher

    Next UCS Set

    Yeah I would be keen in that. Especially if the inside somewhat reflected the specs - speeder bikes and troops
  4. Aswitcher

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    $1300 AUD is a deal breaker of exchange plus GST puts it around $1100 AUD.
  5. Aswitcher

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    Good to know. Its like an Apple event
  6. Aswitcher

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    I agree. If it also included a sand storm trooper and a mini bantha I could see the attraction
  7. Aswitcher

    75153 AT-ST modification

    So I just did the build and took some ideas from here to adapt. Pics follow.
  8. Aswitcher

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    Thanks Nokturn - and being new to this will they leak much before September ?
  9. Aswitcher

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    So will TLJ sets come out with this wave or Novemberish for the movie release?
  10. Aswitcher

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    Looking at the copy they have at RebelScum, the resistance general - is that the guy on the far left?
  11. Aswitcher

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    That's pretty disappointing.
  12. Aswitcher

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    Whats your source for this?
  13. Aswitcher

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    Nice find Makoy. is it usual for Lego to skip numbers? 79, 81 and no 84.
  14. Aswitcher

    LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors

    June 2017 then. That's something.