Darth Tenebris

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  1. Darth Tenebris

    Looking for the Psiaki X-Wing in LDD

    Well, maybe you're right, maybe you ain't i don't know
  2. Darth Tenebris

    Looking for the Psiaki X-Wing in LDD

    Personally i like Psiaki's design more than Inthert's, because Inthert's it's impossible to build in LDD meanwhile on the other side Psiaki's is very easy to build.
  3. Darth Tenebris

    Looking for the Psiaki X-Wing in LDD

    Mike Psiaki is a Lego designer that has created one of the best X-Wing models in Lego, and his work has inspired most of the X-Wings on Eurobricks.
  4. Darth Tenebris

    Looking for the Psiaki X-Wing in LDD

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/6je2h3vyfjj4tla/T-65 X-Wing Starfighter.lxf?dl=0 This one should work
  5. Darth Tenebris

    Looking for the Psiaki X-Wing in LDD

    What do you mean isn't working It works for me
  6. Darth Tenebris

    Looking for the Psiaki X-Wing in LDD

    https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=T-65+X-Wing+Starfighter.lxf There you go, i added the new windshield from The Force Awakens but for the most part it's the same model :P