
Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I blindly believe in this theory
  2. That's what I said a few months ago. Lego is being clever, releasing fake leaks to avoid piracy
  3. Well, IMHO it looks like TLG built and released some "fake" leaks to protect the actual products since none of those look like as presented now. Lets hope that the CAT model is much complex that the previous leak sugested.
  4. Thank you @steph77! It's not bad! Not bad at all!
  5. What if the only reliable part of the leak is that is a Fast and Furious movie car? Gathering all the information till now we get: F&F, red car, scissor/ wing doors. All this equals Lykan HyperSport
  6. boy.... how I regret saying bad things about this model.
  7. IMHO this is horrible. Looks like a creator model. Totally agree.
  8. Well... those are a lot of gears
  9. I love the Ferrari 250 GTO and I'm amazed by the progress you made till here. Have you finished it?
  10. This can't be the 2017 flagship... So disappointing.
  11. That's it guys. Lego is making 40 years, Ferrari is making 70 years.... ??Lets hope for the best
  12. I'm anxious for the 2H sets. We're having news just in January? Really?
  13. Wow JUST THIS? A 1 x 3 commemorative brick? They could have made something bigger... And the BMW sure looks like something's missing.