
Eurobricks Citizen
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  1. dmarkng

    [MOC] Rey's Speeder UCS (with INTERIOR)

    Got around to making a 300+page manual =s Parts list is available on rebrickable now too if any1 is keen.
  2. dmarkng

    [MOC] Rey's Speeder UCS (with INTERIOR) Says its 167mph. Cant find anything else.
  3. dmarkng

    UCS Rey's Speeder

    lol i tried a few times and gave up. i even state there to contact me for the parts list instead. not sure why it **** up every time just for that one.
  4. dmarkng

    UCS Rey's Speeder

    Well done! Was hoping for a cockpit/screen solution but i guess its quite limited with parts. You painted some of the parts? The dome and tiles? Not sure why but rebrickable has that piece count. My current one with Interior + Stand sits at 1500+
  5. dmarkng

    [MOC] Rey's Speeder UCS (with INTERIOR)

    A friend passed that info to me from a sw book he had. Cant recall the name of the book atm. I was asking around and him + 1 other got me those details.
  6. dmarkng

    [MOC] Rey's Speeder UCS (with INTERIOR)

    Well TLG works within some rules of building which the rest of us dont =p
  7. Thanks. I dont use flickr any more, except when some1 alerted me to reply your message =p Thank you! I've actually been building vehicles with more colour in the past 1-2 years as I stocked so much LBG and DBG at one point that it just looked so boring having all the ships in one colour =p That with the fact that a lot of the TLG's bigger UCS sets are generally LBG based. Thanks! Its really tough doing the windshields for most builds as the trans-clear/black parts are really limited for cockpits and the like. I'm hoping there are some better options that I may have missed out when looking around.
  8. I built this months back. They are my 4th and 5th speeders (brick built) in this UCS style builds. I have a couple more speeder builds digitally designed and hopefully I have the time to build them this year. The initial XJ6 was influenced by another builder Bryant and was relatively simple to build compare to the Koro-2. For the Koro-2 I had a lot of issues doing the cockpit and later the weight of the front 2 mandibles. But it came out better than expected in brick form. There are more pics on the IG links as I cant get multiple links for one IG post.
  9. dmarkng

    [MOC] Rey's Speeder UCS (with INTERIOR)

    Thanks but they dont take licensed submissions any more =p.
  10. dmarkng

    [MOC] Rey's Speeder UCS (with INTERIOR)

    I've not posted in a long while, but I wanted to show the latest changes to my Rey Speeder. Its now probably my 8th-9th iteration of it. I've managed to squeeze in an interior. I
  11. dmarkng

    Han Solo's DL-44 Heavy Blaster

    Thanks! About 500ish bricks
  12. dmarkng

    Han Solo's DL-44 Heavy Blaster

    Built in real bricks =) I also just had a manual printed - Han Solo DL-44 Blaster by Daryl Ng, on Flickr
  13. Haven't posted in a long while =p Took a short break from ships and did a few blasters/rifles. Physical build to come soon. Han Solo DL-44 Heavy Blaster by Daryl Ng, on Flickr
  14. Hmm I'm not sure about Christian's pics, I didn't notice it there. But my build is fine. have to ask him if he encountered any issues.
  15. Thanks =) Hopefully the parts list will be approved soon, taking longer than usual. But no, there arent any rare pieces. I do keep cost in consideration when I build, so I stay away from rare pieces where I can, or use alts if possible. It cost in the 300-400 range for all parts. I've also colour coded parts that can be substituted.