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About Simpsonsman120

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    Star Wars

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  1. Simpsonsman120

    [MOC] The Muppets - Sweetums & Thog (Brickheadz-inspired)

    These are awesome! Any chance you have a parts list or instructions for these?
  2. Simpsonsman120

    Need help identifying pieces used in this Jar Jar Binks build.

    Thank you. I'm actually familiar with most of the rest, but it's been some time since I've built with Lego, so my knowledge is rusty at the moment. I know it's a bit much to ask, but would you willing to help me compile at least a partial list of pieces used in the build?
  3. Hello, everyone. I was wondering if anyone here could help me identify the pieces used in this custom built Jar Jar Binks figure. The main pieces I don't recognize are the pieces used for the eyes, although I do need help identifying all of the pieces. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.