I'm Yannoch06.
I'm 41 years old. I'm a french Afol, member of the french LUG FreeLUG and moderator of the forum Brick Pirate.
I went out my dark age for about 15 years, and tryed first to buy the main Technic set I missed during my dark age. But it was with the first Batman collection that I really became a real Afol. I'm a comics fan, and this collection was for me like the Graal
I'm a modest moccer. I do not have really a favorite theme. I can find some interest in a lot of them: Medieval, Super Heroes, Technic, Mindstorm, etc. Because of some other activities, I did have a lot of free time for moccing the last years (I was the main organisator of a Lego event: BRIQU'Expo Diemoz). Now I can devote some time for moccing, I hope I will be able to share some of them on the forum in order to have some feed back.
I have to apologize for my english level. I will try to do my best, but I'm aware that it's far from perfect.