
Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. mtrkustoms

    RENFE 252 V2

    I have the pleasure to present a Rework of my first MOC After several years I had to redesign a locomotive with more bricks, more length and more realism and more functions Length: 58studs Wide: 7 studs Weight: 1050g Pieces: around 1200-1300 Motor: 9v motor + PF train motor linked with a PF extensión wire This Scheme is famous by the Big locomotive series and number painted on sides, I could put a vinyl sticker but I decided to go further and make all lettering with pieces with all limitations of this More details Grill effect using Dark gray and DBG This locomotive is not going to run in R40 as is ridiculous due the length, but is necessary to me to run trough Lego switches so, boguie has all front attached to pass without problems trough them. I used custom lightning using SMD leds and coil wire to include realist lights with no pieces modification. And also I included a LIPO battery with USB charging, all inside the locomotive MORE PICTURES IN FLICKR ALBUM
  2. mtrkustoms

    German BR 03

    Just awsome, great MOC, really detailed and clean finishing, has to be lovely running trought large radious curves
  3. mtrkustoms

    [Question] narrow gauge wheel spacing

    @ColletArrow this is correct (really 11 studs) but anyways runs well on custom curves mane with ols 12v rails, I dont know if it run well on 2wide lego curves, and if it has good grip (I have the help of the slotted rails)
  4. Hi to all, Here is a short video of the last event I participate with All spanish replicas of Renfe from Aitoruco and myself. 2 diferent loops with r104 custom curves (printed by blastem), 20Bps cable bridge (Designed by Sheppo), R104 trains (designed by Aitoruco and MTRkustoms) and also working narrow gauge (by MTRkustoms) Enjoy it
  5. mtrkustoms

    [Narrow gauge] Ponfeblino

    From the MTM (MTR Train Mocs) i have the pleasure to present my latest creations This is my first incursión into functional narrow gauge. A challenge for me and pushed by the narrow station of Ponferrada from my colleague Blastem. In this case i tried to represent the most significative material of the steam era of the spanish line from Ponferrada to Villablino the “Ponfeblino Line” and in 6w to be in the same scale from all my standar gauge trains. All this material is fully functional by PF. Thanks to the master Sheepo to help me with the PF wagon. Only him can do it easily to accommodate 2 L motors, 1 Lithium battery and 1 PF receiver. The locomotives PV-1. A small steamer for cargo uses. And with water deposits in both sides of the boiler PV-31. A small locomotive used for passenger services Wagons Cargo. With all PF mechanism to move the whole train Coal wagons . Mail Wagon. Saloon Wagon. First and Second class Wagons. 2 Trains in Ponferrada Station And some comparisions with the original ones. Full gallery Flickr
  6. A little video of the 7w Train Mocs showed in the last Fanweekend 2016 in Paredes de Coura. Mocs by: 4m Technic bridgde by Sheepo R104 custom 3d print Curves by Blastem Renfe 7w Mocs by Aitoruco, Mtrkustoms Deutsche Bahn 7w Mocs by HoMa
  7. mtrkustoms

    [MOC] RENFE 151 "Santa Fe"

    Sorry for the rebumping, but i added a Video of the train moving
  8. mtrkustoms

    Trains, Long and Short: Show 'm here!

    Here there is some of the long trains showed in the past ALEBRICKS 2016 in Madrid, Moc replicas of spanish trains by Aitoruco and I (MTRkustoms)
  9. mtrkustoms

    [MOC] RENFE 151 "Santa Fe"

    thanks all for the nice replies, xboxtravis7992, I ammend the inital post, 151 is the french and spanish notation (only indicates the axles) according to Whyte is a 2-10-2 *thomas* Not yet, i have no space to make a good full composition picture, next week I will be in ALEBRICKS2016 event, so I will make some pictures and videos of this full MOC Ashi Vakoinen, yeah driver cabin need more details and will be refurbished in a future, the real problem is to get a picture of the real one (only one survived and is in a museum very far from me), tiny parts are not a problem "purist dont look the spoiler"
  10. mtrkustoms

    [MOC] RENFE 151 "Santa Fe"

    Dear All, From the MTRkustoms train Factory i have the pleasure to announce my latest MOC, After some Spanish Train MOCs I wanted to make a Steam Locomotive, and I Started with the biggest and more powerful Spanish Steam, the “Santa Fe” 151 (French/Spanish) 2-10-2 (Whyte) This locomotive was able to pull a 450 tons train at 30km/h and a slope of 20mils The most difficult challenge was create a MOC that can run in R104 Blastemtrack, and R40 curves. To get the power I use a 9v dummy motor to pick up energy and 2 L PF Motors inside the boiler attached to the 9v pickup, is not a fast MOC, but is a very powerful Locomotive DIMENSIONS Locomotive length: 45 studs Tender length: 25 studs Total length: 70 studs Height: 9 bricks 7 wide Details To be a complete MOC I made some type of cars, 1 Closed boxcar, 5 open coal cars, and one caboose car. Details These 2 axle wagons have a flex hose coupling to be connected and allow Little turn of the axles. Also the coal wagons have an aperture system for the next project. All the pictures in Flickr Album And a little Video: Enjoy it
  11. mtrkustoms


    Hi to all EB users, I have the pleasure to present the first collaboration AITORUCO/MTRkustoms We are a spanish train builders and the better way to make a collaborative MOC is to design and build a Ghostbuster Headquarter . This Headquarter is completed with the Ecto-1 with custom leds of MTRkustoms and the 8w American cars of AITORUCO There is no need to talk about this building so lets see the pictures, so..... who you gonna call? More Pictures and all full resolution pics here
  12. mtrkustoms

    [MOC] RENFE 446 Cercanias

    zephyr1934, marook, Stefaneris, dr_spock, thx for the kind words, You can see more Train MOCs from me here Yeah its a real pity not have 5/7 studs wide windscreens Spanish Lego world it is a vandal world One side is clean and one with grafitti so 2 choices are possible Just printed transparent decals (I am not crazy to paint the Moc )
  13. mtrkustoms

    [MOC] RENFE 446 Cercanias

    Dear all EB users, From MTRkustoms Railworks we have the honor of presenting the RENFE 446 Cercanias Electric units, This train has an import significant for me as is the train where i pass a lot of time in my life in my daily travel to work. 446 series was a specially designed train to provide a proximity service in the early 80s and the previous series, the 440s were insufficient for the huge amount of passengers in the big cities of Spain. This units have 2400kW of power and a maximum speed of 100km/h. both side driving units and 3 pairs of doors in each car MODEL SPECS Lenght: 180 studs / 144cm Wide: 7 wide Height: 11 bricks (13 bricks with raised phantograph) Weight: 2200g Others: Turns in R40 but looks awful, much better in R104 or smooth curves. Comparison with real model More pictures Chassis and 9v-PF connection (this model have a 9v motor connected to a PF motor in order to take current from 9v rails and increase the power and traction with no more expensive 9v motors) This train in 90s was frequently vandalized, so this is my personal tribute with a full graffiti side More pics and full resolution pics in Flickr Album Enjoy it
  14. Wow, very nice MOC MTM, I like all the detailing that you put on it, I never seen the original, but according to the pics is a very strange engine and you detailed it perfectly the shapes and details, congrats.
  15. mtrkustoms

    Southwest Lumber Mills 2-6-6-2t

    Wow, very nice MOC Daedalus304 very nice steamer and very clever solutions in the pistons and rods to able the movement in all degrees. Congrats