
Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. ST1976

    Brickshelf up, down..who knows!

    I might as well bring this up here, has their been some sort of security breach on brickshelf? Or is it just on my end, like using a library computer to check on my recent uploads, then checking on my phone?
  2. ST1976

    Do you buy toys other than LEGO?

    I was getting Transformer for a little while back a few years ago. Since it seems like the company wanted to do a remake of the G1 line without making the old toys. But now the urge to want to get more Transformers seems to wane down.
  3. And I thought the saddest part was when all the Jedi were getting killed off by the clone-troopers / storm- troopers. But that is probably just me.
  4. ST1976

    What was the last movie you watched?

    The last movie I watched was alita battle angel it seemed to end oddly as if their was going to be a sequel no matter what.
  5. ST1976

    Hello, Thor_64 here....

    Hello thor_64. For some reason the picture you put up is not showing up.
  6. ST1976

    Hello for a third time, maybe

    Aaammm hello Jevil. I hope you get things worked out the way you like it.
  7. ST1976


    Welcome to the site BJP LEGO.
  8. ST1976


    Welcome to the site marco220271.
  9. ST1976

    Sam.C in the house

    Welcome to the site Sam_C. Nice Optimus Prime you got their.
  10. ST1976

    Hi, my name is xponent

    Welcome to the site xponent.
  11. ST1976


    Welcome to the site MrAwesome. For my sanity, please do not start sing a certain song.
  12. ST1976

    Hi hi, my Mae is Si

    Welcome to the site Voodoosi.
  13. ST1976

    Hola AFOL's

    Welcome to the site Jestingstorm. Maybe your cousin needs to join the site too.
  14. ST1976

    Hello Guys im RacerGTR Productions!

    Welcome to the site RacerGTR Productions.
  15. ST1976

    Hi, I'm Jeremy

    Welcome to the site, justjerm or Jeremy.